Daily Update (LG Nest) Tuesday 20th July

Hi everyone and a very warm welcome to all new bloggers and especially to Judy Teen, whom I didn't mean to be rude about but unfortunately it looked like it in an earlier post of mine yesterday.

Well what a day its been,  first Titch looked like going then an intruder alert or something and he bottled it, then we were watching all afternoon and lo and behold when one isn't watching, HE GOES AND DOES IT - FLIES  -  Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. There are links on yesterdays blog for the lift of if anyone missed it.

What will today bring, will he get bolder and show his skills off - lets hope so. Such a precious moment when he did it and in fact when they all did it.

He is alone at present, on the nest. No doubt his siblings are around and probably roosting nearbye.

Over to the night shift and happy viewing.   See you all in the morning.

  • Morning all and thanks for all the overnight and early morning reporting. Glad the juvs have been fed this morning. Hoping for a nice calm day after yesterdays excitement. I expect a lot of people will be watching the Manton Bay nest today as fledging is not far off there. Must go now. catch up later.


    #2 just pooed over the edge of the nest 

    Izzy, from  the center, said in her blog ,"Up Up and Away" , that the eldest  has been sitting on a branch under the nest.

    When it is very windy and the  chicks poo over the edge  of the nest that maybe a precarious place to sit  , He may need to try  to fish early just for the  opportunity to take a bath . 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Poor EJ!!

    She is standing alone on the  nest with 3/4 of an uneaten fish under her foot .

    She is looking around  for someone, anyone  who may be hungry 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • It looks like EJ is home alone, but no , I've just seen Titch stretch its wing, extreme left.

  • Barbara Jean - I just took a pic of EJ as I thought to myself 'poor EJ all alone!' ... then I realised one young one is out of sight on the left ... just appears briefly now and then :-)

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • I heard a flutter of wings whilst looking at the Manton Bay site, was that Titch going off for a flyabout?

  • No, I just saw movement on the extreme left, virtually out of sight.

  • Intruder alert and EJ is mantling and Tiitch has come down to the nest cup and is sitting looking around. Where has it gone?

  • Morning one and all . Lovely captures telling the tale of successful juve rearing. Thank you so much for all the pics and posts. I can go  out later now knowing I'm not missing a fledging. Wonder when they'll change cameras. It is all a bit 'something' though, isn't it? Quiet Woman mentioning 'empty nest syndrome?    says it all.

    Got the fish report last night Lindy, for which many thanks again. Thank you too, Lynette for synopsis of nest 'doings' yesterday at the start of this thread . It's time they all started to follow Odin or EJ and found out where fish come from.  2009 juves hardly flew any distance from the nest (even Rothes who ventured the furthest) - I'd like these three to be somewhat more adventurous.

    Heard the 'intruder' racket from EJ and Odin doing likewise in the distance just now.  And yes, thanks, Barbara Jean see what you mean about a youngster being left but out of sight. Just letting the camera catch a glimse  from time to time.