WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2018

Hallo all;  Here's to a less complicated week!

Spent hours in the garden.  We cleaned out gutters, retired one bird feeder (that leaves only two); raked up the mess the birds made.  Don't think I'll be up late tonight.

  • Good Morning, All.  Grey and a little misty, here.

    It's going to be cold, so I'll wrap up warmer than usual when I go out on errands, later. Thanks to Annette and Diane for news.

  • Hello all!

    Thank you, DIANE for showing JONb's post on this page. Much appreciated. 

    I'm still finding my way around but determined to do the best I can and hoping for some 'tweaks'. 

    It is a nice day here, not as cold as yesterday. 

    Thank you all for birthday wishes - and a belated Happy Birthday to you, CLARE!

    LINDA - often thinking about you and your friend G. 

    No real news from here, you certainly don't want to be reading about my plan for giving my bedroom a 'proper clean' today...

    I'll pop in later - have a good day, ALL

  • Morning all:  l

    Heather: Darn! I was hoping to pick up some bedroom-cleaning tips.

    My desk is buried under paper.  We're updating stuff again and my OH keeps reinventing the paper wheel, so to speak.  Grrrrr.    My WInter Project is to scan all our ancient (decades old) photographs and negatives and get them into a digital format.  There's a fairly modestly priced flatbed photo/negative/slide scanner with good reviews that I'm keeping my eye on on the internet. OH says to wait until so-called Black Friday (does he mean Cyber Monday?) to see if the price will drop.  Then last night he suggested I wait until the "After Christmas sales" - as if they still existed!  He needs to get out to the stores more - but wait a minute! - what stores?  Are there any left out there?   I'm hoping the pendulum will swing back and frustrated consumers will demand a place where they can see, touch and - gasp! try on -what they like before they buy it.  Dream on...

  • Had a different morning than I'd planned, as when I got to a nearby road junction on my journey to the next small town, we were redirected away as a lorry had caught fire and the smoke was blowing across the carriageway.  Went off in another direction, via some lanes which lead to Friends house, but then ended up weaving my way across Cheshire through some pretty villages which I don't think I've ever seen before... eventually ended up on the town I wanted, after doing some extra miles.  When I returned home hours later, the fire engines were still there and the burnt out lorry was, too.  Never mind, I had taken back some items to M&S and wandered around the shops as I wanted, before going to Sainsbugs and stocking up on dogfood and loo rolls.

    Also picked up a fetching hairband in silver, with gold stars bobbing above it, to give to my granddaughter Amber when I next see her. The girl on the till admired it, and I told her "My granddaughter is costing me a fortune!"

    Yesterday went in search of some things I had "put away for Christmas" and ended up getting out all the cards I'd bought.  Then I sat and wrote a whole pile of them.  Nice to think that I'm not too out of sync now with my usual plans for the season. Long talk on the phone to my Friend G, who said she wasn't speaking to me if I had got that far with the cards, it was not fair to be ahead of December like that. ;-)

  • Lindybird:  I like the sound of that tiara thingy you got for Amber.  Girls are way too easy to spend money on (but it's so much fun). 

    Was at the gym most of the morning (wandered into a yoga class after my usual workout and ended up staying). Then I bought a few bits and pieces for TxGiving dinner and wonder of wonders,  managed to get decent parking spots among the throngs.  

    Hope everyone, lurkers included, are all doing well.

  • Good Morning. Dry here but misty.

    Going out later, after doing some things on my To Do List which have been waiting in the wings for attention. How have we got to midweek, when we just had the weekend?

  • Where is everyone?  Do hope they tweak this site soon  It's a bit like talking to yourself.....

    Lindybird: Hope you caught up with your To-Do list.

  • Hi everyone Wave

    Sorry I've not posted for a while. However, the annoyances of this current set up, won't stop me posting here. 

    Honestly can't believe how quickly the year is flying past. I get the feeling that if it gets any quicker, Santa will arrive with the Easter BunnySantaHatching chickConfused Anyway, I refuse to do any Christmas shopping until December. I've still to clear an area for a Christmas tree. Still deciding between a six foot Nordam Fir, or a five foot Norway Spruce on a low table. Smirk

    Enough of my gibberish. I'll hit the relpy button, before this turns into a novella. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Well, it has just taken me fifteen minutes to get onto the site!  I now have a combination of two passwords, my e-mail address and my username … sometimes one combination works, next time something different.  And why do I need to sign in afresh every time?  Never used to happen.  Grrrr …

    Quite agree with the way this year has disappeared.  Only a few weeks ago it as my birthday (March!) and now it's nearly Christmas.  Is it because I'm getting older?  Or is time really going more quickly than it used to?

    Very quiet here today … perhaps others are also having problems?  One thing I would like to ask, but can't find the right place so hope it filters back from here.  Can someone explain to me the logic of having to start a new comment at the top of the thread rather than underneath previous comments?  Doesn't make much sense to me … but what do I know?!?!? 

  • Thanks, Annette, I did get some things off The List. Satisfying to think they're done. One was to drop off some Chr. Selection Boxes which had been requested by local charity which holds a Chr. Party for disadvantaged children and asked for toys and boxes of chocs to give them to take home. The local organiser was grateful and said she had been thrilled by the response from the public.

    My OH and I have had our annual trip to the giant garden centre in Lancashire, Bents, to see their huge displays of lights and decorations. It was heaving with customers and jammed with all kinds of pretty decorations, including lots of trees both real and artificial, dancing Santas and delightful dancing lights! We had big steaming bowls of beef broth for lunch, wandered around, and came home with some cards and just one gold glittery decoration. Plus a garden shrub bought with a voucher I was given for my birthday. Will put it in a tub tomorrow.