WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018

Hey Everybody!  We're back.  :-)

  • I agree with Wendyb --  if this arrangement is not improved, this Chat thread at least, will become a ghost page.....

    I just spent ten minutes trying to read what bits I have not seen, but its interspersed with bits I have read four times already.... bah!

    I get the Survey pop up every time I come on, plus every time I travel around the pages.  It would take me about five hours to voice all of my grievances and gripes on a survey, so I haven't bothered.  Yet.

  • Annette:   "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"   So very true.

  • Annette: Unless I am missing something, you all have two choices. 

    (1) Everyone can use the REPLY button that appears just below the first post in the thread (that's the first post made by the person who started the thread).

    If you all do that, you will have a clean line of posts, all lined up at the left margin, and in chronological order (ordered according to the time they were posted).


    (2) Everyone can click Reply underneath each post they want to comment on. For example, if Sheila posts about a lovely duck that she's seen, I could click Reply under her post and ask her where she saw it. Then I would scroll down to the next post and make a separate reply on that one. 

    If you all do that, your replies will appear indented underneath the posts. You will need to scroll through all the posts to discover any new replies from your forum mates that you haven't read yet. 

    Those are your two choices, as far as I can see. I honestly don't care which you all choose. 

  • Thanks Diane:  I'm going with your Option 1 and hope that the powers that be simplify the Reply process. 

  • I'm replying to Annette's initial post from 3 days ago, as suggested. This puts it to the margin, and maintains some sort of semblance of order.

    Skies grey here today, with some clouds, and still very mild temps. We have realised that the couple next door, with an 18 month old, are now expecting another addition to the family. Also, at the other end of the age scale, one of our (good) older neighbours, has been told he can't drive any more, and as his wife never has, we are wondering if they will take the big step of moving nearer to the centre of the town. 

    I'm off to visit my Friend, who has been to endless clinics this week but is still remaining positive.

  • Morning all - well its going to take a while to get used to this new site - such a shame that it had to change this much. Anyway we must all try and get on with it as to lose this wonderful support group of friends would be awful. I'm off on an organised walk on Sizewell beach this morning but its very dull and overcast here in East Suffolk although tomorrow and Sunday look brighter - which I need as I want to cut the grass one last time. Have a good day all.

  • Good afternoon/evening ALL.

    First our health update and thanks for all good wishes.  OG successfully stopped the morphine, is back to her normal pain levels and is working at re-establishing some mobility – still housebound right now.  J experienced one of his “turns” while in the scanner at the Christie and spent a night on a ward there; he had to be fetched home with (probably lifelong) medication.  He has had to be off work while stabilizing and will see his GP next Monday with a view to returning to work on Tuesday, having seen his line manager today to discuss restrictions to his timetable.  EE survived a long dental session yesterday, but has been pleased to give the front lawns an Autumn cut in the dry frost-free weather.

    We have been discussing our views and feelings about the new Forum interface and have decided that it is not workable for us in its present format.  We have therefore decided not to continue to participate.  We are sorry to leave some good friends after so many years.  We have appreciated your helpful and caring attitude, and enjoyed reading about your lives and experiences with Ospreys and other birds.  We shall be maintaining contact with some of you for whom we already have phone numbers, emails, addresses and Facebook contact.

                                                                EE and OG

  • OG and EE will continue to keep in touch by other means...

    Ditto to the sentiments of the failings of this site..

    Once again as in other matters the RSPB know best and listen to no one .

  • I feel the same. I can't even see what I am writing. This is not tablet friendly. I'll come back if the site is modified to be more user friendly. I have been here for years, since the beginning. Just want to say, RSPB that this I'd the most user unfriendly site that I have attempted to use. 

  • I seem to have got in by accident - I think a little while before getting used to it.