Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 October 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I thought I'd start the thread, because Annette is traveling.

I'm posting this photo (a National Park Service photo), because I was astonished to see a Scarlet Tanager eating small red berries in my garden this evening. These birds migrate to the tropical rain forest just east of the Andes in South America. It's been fairly cold here in my area, so this species should be long gone from here. I guess the one I saw this evening was a late migrater. I felt quite blessed to see him, and I wish the little fella well on his long journey. I hope the berries were good for him. 

Scarlet Tanager
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, northern Indiana
U.S. National Park Service photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • A lovely snow scene, Dibnlib. Thank you for posting. 

    AQ - Thanks for your pics, and for the interesting story of the paddle steamer. Sorry you didn't get your coffee!

  • We've had a beautiful autumn day: sunshine on the leaves which are now falling visibly after a cold night last night. My OH took Bonnie on a long walk whilst I went to a Craft Fair, which of course had lots of gift suggestions and beautiful jewellery and scarves etc. I resisted temptation for myself and only bought a couple of small metal stars for hanging up at Christmas, and a pork pie for my OH to enjoy (I don't like them). 

  • OH reading and typing as usual.  I seem to be getting used to the morphine so not quite so totally knocked out as I was a couple of days ago.  Having to have daily visits from Nurses and Assistants to look after my skin.  Will probably need to accept an ongoing care package after this lot.  But will just have to see how things go.  As I am still sometimes feeling some of the pain which started this all off in my back/hip.  Thanks for all the good wishes - enjoying hearing what everyone is up to.  Sunshine did look great through the window, but I was quite pleased to be staying indoors.  Frost last night and looks like it again tonight.  (No snow here on the south coast).  All for now as it is bedtime!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Also seen in Swan Hill was this Giant Murray Cod, fibreglass, built 1911 as a movie prop, 15 m long, 5 m high, 3 m wide, donated to Swan hill community after. Murray Cod are Australia’s largest freshwater fish, excellent eating. Catches of 180 lb (81 kg) were not uncommon. Habitat – sluggish turbid waters, in deep holes amongst fallen timbers. Cod live up to 30 years. Dams, silting and removal of snags have contributed to their decline. Victorian rivers are being stocked with 300,000 fingerlings annually. Still caught in good numbers by those who match his cunning & knowledge of the river.

    Returning home by a different route through wee town of Sea Lake, passing Lake Tyrrell, a salt lake (salt is harvested)  to Ouyen for our lunch stop. Ouyen bakery of course not open on Sunday, however we had a choice of 3 roadhouse cafes. The one I chose was extremely organised and made coffee in a few mins. (Swan Hill cafe could take a lesson.) At each town we drove around back streets to see a church or 2 or 3, hall and whatever was of interest. Most of these towns & settlements had grain silos. These at Cowangie.

    To be continued

  • Love the giant cod, AQ!!!  

    You've put me to shame, I must do something with all the pics I have to get around to posting.   

    OG -- Good to hear from you although sorry you're suffering and it will all take some time. Hope you can get comfortable at least.

    Off to bed now, although I really don't know what time it is, now!!

  • Hallo all:  An awful lot of conversation here these last two day - my ears are about to go on strike!   Have thoroughly enjoyed the sweet smell of pines and the cool fresh air.  There' s about 12 female turkeys that hang out around the property, plus deer, eagles and even bears and cougars.  All packed and ready to leave at 10 am for the drive to Sacramento.

    dibnlib: Lovely shot and I can imagine what the air smells like.  Is this early or normal for snow on that mountain?

    OG; Really annoyed on your behalf that you're out of circulation.  Have they figured out what caused the flare up?

    AQ:  Didn't realize cod lived that long.  What a pain about the coffee - it's not as if it's an unusual menu item.  Nice that you managed to corral the churches!

    Will catch up when we get back home Tuesday....  Take care all.

  • AQ - That's some fish!

    OG - So sorry to hear you are still bed-bound.  Do hope you are able to keep comfortable, and managing to keep your brain active.  And thank you, EE, for keeping us in the loop.  Prayers and good wishes for a speedy return to better health.

    Cold here this morning - and I have an early meeting, so must allow extra time to scrape the windscreen!  Lots of rain forecast for the next few days … does that jeopardise my golf tomorrow?  Probably …

  • Snow? Frost? We are expecting 28 C tomorrow, rising to 36 on Thursday. It's too early for summer, she cries.

  • Good Morning.  Sunshine through my windows this morning, although we did have a frost last night, AQ! Looking out my warmer sweaters and the extra blankets, ready. My OH has just gone off to do his stint at digging the allotment, he will be finished today apart from some general tidying up.

    Annette, safe journey. Mind out for the bears!

    Pat - Hope the meeting goes well. Keep safe on the roads.

    Thinking of poor OG and hoping that things ease up enough for her to get out of bed soon.

  • Hello -thank you, DIANE.

    I'm enjoying the company of out Danish friends but quite busy so only a quick post.

    Thank you to all for your pics and news. I'm reading all, usually do that first thing in the morning while having coffee.

    OG - I'm pleased that the morphine is helping but still wondering what has happened to you. The intense pain in your legs - bed rest - suggests a spinal/nerve problem to me but I am probably well shy of the mark. Your thoughts regarding a care package - would say that you don't expect to get back to the mobility status that you had before. If that is so, I am so sorry. Sending best love to you both.

    Stepson and his wife took the Danes and I out to dinner last evening  - The Mustard Seed restaurant in Inverness. Most had steak with a whisky and cream sauce. I had a vegetarian risotto. My starter involved tomatoes and mozzarella but wasn't great - I hate unripe un red  tomatoes and these had absolutely no flavour. My risotto was OK but the rice was undercooked. However, those that had ribeye steak said that it was excellent.