Hallo all!  Happy New Week.  (Sorry no picture.)

  • AQ - have a great trip and I hope the back will hold up!   Amazing to think that Sabine is now 7 years old, and receiving such grown up gifts - and enjoying them!

    ANNETTE - glasses do not come cheap, and like you my lenses have all the "bells and whistles" but so worth it!

    Mostly at home today.  Care shop phoned as they have obtained a special walking frame which may help me to get up off the bed - we need to go and see it, but don't want to go in the rain, so will decide at lunch time.  Could go tomorrow but don't want to miss a potential gardening day!  Picked up M&S Christmas food brochure yesterday - probably won't order (quantities too much for the three of us) but it will give us ideas.  First Blackbird reappeared in the garden this morning - a female - so let battle commence when the next one comes along - already had fighting Robins and Dunnocks!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I'm taking a lot of deep breaths on behalf of my visitors who are struggling with some family problems. Other than that, all is well.

    ANNETTE - you have asked me a couple of questions, I haven't forgotten!

    Hope everyone is OK and thank you for your news.

  • H e l l o o o!!    -- (waves)

    Yes, I'm back, and we're both weary, although it was nice to return in the daylight this time, it's usually evening. My OH has just gone to fetch  Bonnie from his sister's. We've had a lot of adventures, and have taken hundreds of photos.

    More about it all later, when I'll be wittering on as usual....

    Hope everyone here is well, I'll have to sit this evening and read back to find out.

  • Good to see you back, LINDA, but sorry you are weary after a holiday - maybe you need another one to recover!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Welcome home Lindybird.

    AQ: Have a nice trip!

    OG: Argh - Christmas dinner on your agenda already?  I always feel like a deer caught in the headlights....

  • Welcome home, LINDY.  Look forward to hearing about your adventures, and seeing some photographs.

    Christmas - can't bear it!  Today I have been to Sheffield Park (local National Trust property) where the shop was full of both Christmas and Hallowe'en.  As far as I'm concerned, Christmas preparations shouldn't be allowed to start until 01 December at the earliest!  (Yes, you can call me Scrooge if you like …)

  • Got the new walking frame - will be useful not to have to wake OH every time I want to get out of bed!

    I always prepare everything early as I can't bear to be late - and never know whether any plans may be disrupted by health etc.  I am probably the biggest Scrooge on here, as I don't give or receive Christmas presents!  ( except small gifts for the very little ones - there will be two of them this year!).  But I do like to provide nice things for OH and son.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!


    Winter has apparently arrived as the first grit lorry of the year has been up oh and down as we live on a dead end road ...

    It’s at least 6 degrees and dry...

    I wish our bankrupt council ( yes it is nearly) would use a weather App..

  • Welcome back, Lindy. I hope the weariness is due to good things that have tired you out.

    I went to the local M&S today, and was greeted with full-on Christmas! MUCH TOO SOON.

    Enjoy your trip, AQ.

    Grit lorry already Wendy? I wonder who works these thing out.