Hi everyone, I've not been in much to the site today, on and off. It was thought that the youngest had fledged but this is in doubt and until it is confirmed by The Team we can assume that it hasn't yet.
There have certainly been some near takeoffs and helped by the wind, the youngest has jumped and "flown" across the nest but this is all. It has been the eldest getting bolder and the middle one taking on more flights. There's time yet.
Peaceful scene here with two young on the nest and the eldest probably on the cam post or way to the left at the edge,, don't really know where he is.
Happy viewing and we'll see what to day brings. Over to the night shift.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Thanks for clarification Sandy. I've gotta go now so I leave all fish reports - fledging reports in very capable hands till I'm back this afteronn. Do have some excellent watching Osp fans.
Hey Sandy, I was just agreeing with you while you were changing your mind :))
Terry in Cumbria
Just had a quick look in here ... hoover in hand :-( ..... I see we've had a fish ... and great debates and mind-changing about who ate what !!!!! Back later
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Terry I can definitely ID #1 as it has by far the most dark markings on its head - but it is only really apparent when you see them together. #2 and #3 are very difficult to distinguish now.
DjoanS said: Just had a quick look in here ... hoover in hand :-( ..... I see we've had a fish ... and great debates and mind-changing about who ate what !!!!! Back later
Seems like we are in for another day of "I think its # 1 , no #2 etc, etc". This will certainly be the year of ID headaches... Many thanks for all posts and great pics already today (especially yours, Cirrus)
Wind still sounds strong up there - a good day for flying ????? if there are any birds there who have not yet taken off, today could be good....
sandy said: Terry I can definitely ID #1 as it has by far the most dark markings on its head - but it is only really apparent when you see them together. #2 and #3 are very difficult to distinguish now.
I agree Sandy - & that's possibly why there was some confusion yesterday over who fledged. Previously we had the comfort of knowing that #3 was so much smaller than the others, but now that they have all reached the same size, its becoming apparent that #2 & #3 are so very similar.
Watching the video I wasn't at all confused. Three juvs on the nest, #1 flies off, EJ arrives and calls for food, all three looking in same direction. Odin arrives with fish. EJ takes it and waits. Odin calls but no sign of #1 returning. Odin leaves. EJ eats part of fish before allowing #2 to take it. #2 eats fish, allows #3 to take some. Strange how #2 and #3 are not nearly as agressive about food as #1 is. #1 arrives and EJ leaves. #1 shows no interest in feeding and eventually flies off. #3 lying in nest, #2 standing ar 4 o'clock out of sight for most of the time. Osprey calling in background.
BUT...having read recent posts I don't feel quite so confident!
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
Now youngest is on nest on its own with one youngster on the extreme left. Have to go out and will probably not catch up till later.
....If #3 has not fledged yet, then this is him sitting on the nest now...
-- was joined by one of the others, on the left, as I typed the above.
Here is another pic of the top of his head: