Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • Those frogs are cute, and I love their singing :-)

  • LINDY - sorry about your bad night. Did you go shopping after all?

    ROSY - to my shame, I can't remember what happened to you but had a chuckle about the Ibuprofen! Hope that you improve soon.

    OG - Well, this foot thing is directly attributable to me slipping on the stairs the other morning - still sleepy, still quite dark in the house. So I won't be consulting anyone about it. Thank you though, for remembering about other episode xx I promise that if that kind of thing flares up again, I will do something about it.

    Just had a horrible meal. Sausages that are advertised as being wonderful. They weren't to my taste at all!

    Off to look at the news -

  • Not been out, as I felt nauseous which I put down to tiredness. Edit: my OH is out on a Golfing Day so it's quiet here.

    Been sorting out clothes instead, and finding the charger for my Kindle. I was also relieved to find my MP3 player, which I'd lost as it had fallen down behind some boxes. It's not valuable as such, as it's so old, but it's valuable to me as it's got years of my favourite stuff on it. Now that's charging up, too!

    Sorry about the foot, Heather: I also remember you having trouble before. Sorry about the sausages, too! I've got very fussy about sausages in recent years, and only really enjoy Cumberlands now. It's very disappointing if you expect to enjoy something and it's not what you expected, isn't it?

  • Plans are afoot as guess who arrives in the area on Monday?   --  that's it, my OHs Awful Cousin!!

    Also, on Monday, my dear sis in law who Has Had Enough, is off to The Canary Islands on the same day!

  • Wise sis in law, LINDY! Does that mean that you will be stuck with her?

  • Hello from me – Friday afternoon.  A very September day – sunshine (occasionally) and showers (occasionally) - not sure what to call the time in between!

    Diane – I see there is debate about whether or not the current storms around the world, including the current hurricane in the Carolinas, are linked with global warming and climate change.  Been watching CNN and BBC. Calmer as the eye crosses the coast, but they reckon the “back wall” will be worse.  Terrible risk threatening those who can’t get away.  Hurricane Helene (now rated a tropical storm) has crossed the Atlantic and is making a direct approach on the UK to arrive next Tuesday!

    Rosy – better night last night, thanks.  Right leg started hurting more again after I emptied the bottom of the dishwasher, so I stopped, and it is just normal pain now.  J is now struggling with pain in his legs – no idea what is wrong, but he did get to work today, so hopefully weekend will see it improve.  I don’t think you had mentioned your trip to the Walk-in centre, other than to say you had frustrating attempts at attending two hospitals.  Was it an incident/accident, or unexplained pain?  If I missed something, my apologies.  I hope it improves soon!

    Annette – how lovely for you to have a lazy day – and I am sure your niece enjoyed time in your wonderful garden!  Same old pain, unfortunately, just sometimes more intense – haven’t been entirely without it for years!  Sorry if I have been whinging recently!

    Linda – sorry you had a bad night – sensible decision not to drive.  How involved will you need to be with Awful Cousin in the absence of Sis-in-law?

    Heather – sorry about the unsatisfactory sausages – bad when you have a disappointing meal that you have been looking forward to!

    Not achieved much today – apart from finding a “missing” receipt – OH had misfiled it.  I want to get the wheelchair serviced but couldn’t remember exactly when we bought it!  Now struggling to find a period of three consecutive days for it to be unavailable – can’t be without it in next two weeks due to appointments!  No plans for this weekend – although hoping to get to church service and meeting on Sunday.  Possibly some garden time Saturday – depending on timing of any showers.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather B said:

    Wise sis in law, LINDY! Does that mean that you will be stuck with her?

    Heather & OG --  She will be staying with another cousin of both my OH and his sisters.  Usually, my OH rallies everyone round and says we must be hospitable to A.Cousin, plus of course, whoever she stays with cannot possibly cope with her 24/7...   so in the past we have all tried to share the burden by having her on different days of her 10-12 day stay.  However.....  this year even my patient OH has had enough, and says that we will just take her out to lunch on one day only.  He agrees with me that if she insists on coming here again next year, we will be suddenly needed at our holiday place in Wales on those dates!

  • Just took my OH into town as it's the night when all of their Golfing Society go out for a pub meal together. He will be able to walk home afterwards!

    OG - Sorry you're having trouble with your legs. One of my knees aches now, on and off, so I suppose it's arthritic. I hope you can get the wheelchair serviced, otherwise they may have to do it one day with you in it!!

    It's gone colder here as it's rained a lot so now I've got the electric fire on.

    Hope that dibnlib is OK.

  • OG: If you're interested, you can watch CBS online. They are streaming live from their affiliate stations on the coast and showing rescues, flooding, etc. It's a U.S. TV network and website, but it's available in the U.K. I hope Helene won't do any damage or harm anyone in the British Isles. Hoping you can get your wheelchair serviced soon and that your pain is diminished.

    Lindy: Glad you found your MP3 player. I hope you're okay today. 

    Heather: I'm sorry your meal was a disappointment.

    Hope Rosy and AQ are feeling better. 

    Annette: I'm glad you made it safely home. I hope you have a very enjoyable, peaceful time with your niece this coming week before she must leave. I've always envied people who can tan like that. I burn, blister, peel, and reburn. LOL

    I'm very relieved tonight. All the weather services say that the remnants of Florence aren't going to push into Indiana. I feel very sorry for the people on the coast coping with the catastrophe. 

    Really tired tonight, so no more replies. I'll be back tomorrow to start the new thread. Take care, all. 

  • Good Morning.  Sorry to see that there have been lives lost in the hurricane. Diane, the one heading our way, Helene, should have worn itself out by the time it reaches here, and just bring rain. I'm glad that Florence isn't going to reach you.

    I was pleased to find my music player, as music is important to me. I like all kinds. On the player, I have rock and pop, opera, orchestral, choral, and "relaxation" stuff. We take with us a tiny set of folding up speakers on holidays, so that we can play things in our room.

    Slept better last night, as very tired! The sun is trying to come out and I'll be off food shopping.