Sunday 1st April

Mrs G returns just after 2pm (time to be confirmed)

Thursday 5th April

On two separate occasions, Rutland-born female, Blue 3J, and Scottish male, Blue HR7, visit the nest. HR7 was seen around Glaslyn last year, Mrs G seems comfortable with him and they later mate.

Later in the evening there is an unringed male osprey on the scene, who looks very much like Aran. When he lands on the Glaslyn nest with the remains of a fish there is no mantling and no attempt to share the fish with Mrs G

[This male is later confirmed to be Aran]

Friday 6th April

Aran brings Mrs G a large trout at 11.04am and this year's breeding season begins

Thursday 19th April

Egg #1 laid, 8.58 am

Sunday 22nd April

Egg #2 laid, 10.02 am

Wednesday 25th April

Egg #3 laid, 8.46 am

Friday 25th May

Chick #1 hatches, 9.49 am

Sunday 27th May

Chick #2 hatches, 4.41pm

Tuesday 29th May

Chick #3 hatches, 8.53pm

Monday 2nd July


Chick #1  (F) (38 days)

Darvic ring right leg, Blue/White KS3

BTO ring left leg   No. 1408637 

Weight: over 1500g   Wing: 336mm 

Chick #2   (F) (36 days)

Darvic ring right leg, Blue/White KS1

BTO ring left leg   No. 1408638 

Weight: over 1500g   Wing: 317mm 

Chick #3   (M) (34 days)

Darvic ring right leg, Blue/White KS2

BTO ring left leg  No. 1408639 

Weight: 1460g   Wing: 286mm

Thursday 19th July

Blue KS1 fledges at 6.00am (53 days)

Friday 20th July

Blue KS3 fledges at 6.14pm (56 days)

Saturday 21st July

Blue KS2 fledges 8.07am (52 days)



  • Good morning!

    (This was started before 11:00hr !!! )

    I've just come here glowing with triumph over the downloading overnight/this morning, armed with snaps covering exactly what you have described and snapped, PATILY :o  Great job of live reporting!

    I haven't got the wherewithal to edit out anything, so here's my version, with some clarification I hope.

    About 06:15hr KS1 landed and had a prance about for a few minutes.

    She left and returned half an hour ??? later for Aran's fish:

    How's this for a mantle :o

    Corvid couple on standby:

    Camperson gave us a long close-up of the poor fish being consumed mouth-first, as always.

    Here's the osprey head-twist:

    Aran with another fine fish!

    Unwanted, so he flew with it:

    Aran returned with his fish, still not required, he took the fish away and KS1 left her on the nest:

    More corvid opportunism:

    Until KS1 returned:

    She got rid of them but wasn't interested in the fish:

    Back to perch to defend ~vs~ unknown foe:

    Aran brought back his (depleted, cos he's obviously eaten by the look of his crop) fish, this time it was nabbed:

    But she wasn't really interested:

    She returned to perch, more defending:

    Back to the nest in dog-in-manger mode:

    And an unknown sibling takes her place on the perch:

    KS1 back on perch:

    One of the Ravens spent 20 minutes taunting KS1 from the perch!  The wind was drowning out the very faint but obviouly interesting vocals, I've done my best to emphasise them but reducing background noise distorts foreground noise :(

    Over-vividised culprit:


    KS1 had some more to eat:

    THAT'S IT UP TO 10:36hr.


    And a Raven had some fun after she left:

  • PS ~ I thought there was another sibling on the perch briefly but now I can't track it down - and its ring certainly could not be read at the time, so it may well have been KS1.

  • Quite a bit of activity !

  • Tempo said:

    Quite a bit of activity !

    And plenty more to come, I think, but I had to "switch off" and now must nap.

    This video goes with the Raven at the end of earlier mega-post ;)

  • Great video scylla, thanks! Using the nest as a trampoline!

  • 11:22-14:45hr

    KS1 got "driven off" the nest with her fish.  Dear Aran brought a fish twice, the first time not needed and the second, much needed - KS2 had turned up at last !!!  KS1 flew in to drive him off, as usual in my experience, but he did take the fish with him :-*

    What's going on?  I haven't seen this behaviour among juvies who are not fighting over fish :'(  But you may have.


    Fed up waiting ;)

    What did he ever do to you? :'(

    Aran, typical osprey parent, just stood by:

    More to do, will be added in.

    EDIT - adding in.

    KS1 stayed on the nest eating her fish, constantly observed and pestered by the Ravens.

    After she left they ate some fish and cavorted:

    Eventually she (it turned out to be her later when I could find a ring view) returned and kicked up a stink:

    It didn't work right away but they did retreat:

    If you enlarge this you should see KS1:

    She flew off then some one alighted on the perch:

    I think it was her again.  She flew after a short stay.

    Off to do the next episode.

  • Scylla, I've only been watching Osprey nests since 2013 and, like you, I have not seen this degree of aggression between siblings of this age before.  The same has been happening on the Dyfi nest as here.  In fact, the oldest juvenile there has been even more violent and more possessive of the nest and of any incoming fish than KS1 is here on the Glaslyn nest.  Perhaps time to bounce up the chat thread.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Mayhem:

    Looks like a moth!  After this the power failed.

    KS3 eventually got a fish but I didn't see the denouement - she must have flown off with it but the cam got distracted by another osprey in the sky.  In any case, I keep getting lost - oh for screen-capturing where I can have my precious timeline.

    CORRECTION !!! I missed a section - it was KS3 whom camperson was following in the sky, she having been kicked off the nest with her fish!

    KS1 has had plenty to eat today already, and here's another fish!  And no video, to your relief ;)

    Dear Aran ;)

    It was left after a few bites, I wonder who will claim it in the morning?

    I haven't seen MrsG all day, and I don't think I would have missed her appearance.  So the last time I saw her was when she (I think) briefly joined siblings on the perch a couple of days ago.

  • Good morning MC. View still of the Flounder in night cam.

  • Good morning and goodnight, Mike ;)  (I wonder why the first i two words and the second is one word?)

    GM also to those who come after :)