Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 August 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week!

Bull Moose "Laughing"
Grand Teton National Park 
U.S. National Park Service, NPS/Adams
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • I've probably missed Linda, so sending "Happy Birthday" by mental telepathy.

  • Thanks, AQ - not quite missed me! - I'm jumping out the door shortly, when my OH comes back from taking Bonnie for her walk and then pops her over to Other sis-in-law, who is doing the honours.

    Sun is shining here, so things looking good!  Bye!!

  • Good morning!  I will try to make up for yesterday – don’t know what happened, just never seemed to have time to sit here and reply!  We did all have the podiatrist visit in the early afternoon – attempt by GP to remove J’s troublesome nail had not worked and it was getting painful as it regrew extremely thick and curled in, so she thinned out various layers and made it more comfortable; I think he will need it attended to every time she comes.  (BTW he felt a lot better by last evening and has gone back to work today – good that he had his Wednesday to recover).

    Heather – re encounters with spiders: do you think second one might have been the first one finding its way “home”?!  BTW, didn’t see any spiders under and behind the bookshelves, although we do occasionally in winter, see one (always known as Charlie) scuttle across the carpet in the evening!

    Annette - I hope the sprinkler system settled to come on automatically while you are away.  I see you are off to New Mexico today – seems to have suddenly come around.  Have a wonderful trip with your niece!

    So, we are waving off both Annette and Linda – what a quiet few days we shall have!  I think (hope) it will be a gardening weekend for us – all needs tidying again!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - I can definitely confirm that it was a different spider! Best you don't ask me how I know....

    My irrational fear is probably because many moons ago, camping as a Girl Guide, in a tent, I felt a tickly feeling on my face one night and a massive spider crawled off my face and appeared to want to share my pillow. I hate fast moving things like spiders, cockroaches and field mice. The bird in the dining room, the other week, was not too bad, in the scheme of things. He hopped!

    Glad that J is OK now.

    AQ - I heard on the radio last night that your drought is expected to continue for at least three months. Farmers having to kill livestock and big crop failures.

  • HEATHER - so, did second spider meet the same fate as the first?  Hope you don't get any more night visitors - you could wipe out the whole spider population of Inverness!  LoL!

    Hoist repair man has just arrived - an hour late!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - 'fraid so. Good that repair man has arrived.

  • Heather - I have a similar totally irrational fear.  However much I tell myself I'm bigger than they are … they are helping to keep flies away … and so many other things, it really doesn't help.  If I see one indoors, it has to die!  I'm fine if they are outside, which again is totally irrational.  I read somewhere, a long time ago, that every room, however clean, probably has at least three spiders in it … aarrgghh!  A friend of mine had conkers around all her windows and doors - what people didn't tell her was that mice like conkers, so she then had to deal with an infestation of mice!

    OF - glad the hoist man has arrived.  Hope he can work his magic.

  • Glad that I'm not alone, PAT!

  • Pat, I will take the spiders over mice any time. LOL