Hallo all!  Have a happy week and don't forget to check last week's thread for any late-breaking developments!  :-))

  • ANNETTE - I was apparently a "grizzling" child - similar to mythering (demanding attention for nothing in particular)!  I would say grizzling is southern and mythering is northern.  I am sure we shall go over to Caerlaverock with the scooter when the weather is reasonable - and Mersehead too - and both are blessed with disabled facilities!  Unfortunately the one with Red Squirrels at Lockerbie doesn't have any facilities at all!  We do actually have three concert events booked in September which we shall hope to get to!  I think DIBNLIB was referring to the friend who keeps (and used to race) Huskies - I don't think she would take a four-legged Husky into Simpson's coffee shop/restaurant!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi! - Well, this morning it was doing just about everything: drizzling, mizzling, frizzling and dreich!  I think my mother might have invented "frizzling" as she was fond of that! In same way that in our family says "dird birt" when we see a dropping on the car, as my son did 35 years ago :-)

    We got in the car anyway, and set off through such heavy mist that the oncoming cars had their headlights on. But then miles farther on, it cleared up, and we were well on our way to Dyfi!!-  hooray!

  • Lurker here..

    Lots going on dog related which has taken up 9 weeks.

    Duke ( rescue ) had a toe removed due to a cancerous tumour . Luckily not spread.

    Once sorted Daisy smacked into folded down whirligig clothes line producing a hematoma . Had to cut short our holiday with daughters by an afternoon to get it sorted as if left she would develope a cauliflower ear. Not a nice op as it’s left open to drain so cone and lead for 4 weeks.. both sorted now and hooray for insurance.

    I do read everyday:-)

    New blog from Jess about a lovely man Daisy and I met on many occasions:-(

  • LINDA - your family's "Dird Birt" reminds me of when our GD#2 was going on holiday in a "cab login" - we all call them that now!  She was about 4 at the time!  So glad you made it to Dyfi!  I hope Monty and co made it a wonderful visit for you - did you see him getting his leg pulled yet again?

    WENDY - been following your doggies' problems on FB - glad you have been able to keep up with reading on here.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Wendy, sorry you've had such a time with doggy problems. It's as bad as when you have an illness in the family.

    We had a super day, in spite of the dampness which persisted for most of the time. We did manage to eat our picnic sandwiches in the car whilst it poured down! More descriptions tomorrow.

    Meanwhile here is part of Bonnie's day...

  • Bonnie's  Blog:

    Well, the day started well as my Dad put me in the car after our morning walk on the beach, so I knew we were going somewhere I would like. We drove for an hour, then he took me for a walk in some woods for ten minutes. Then we drove some more, and I was given lunch biscuits, but then they left me in the car so I dozed for a bit while they went to look at something called 'Dyfi'. When they got back, they were out of breath because they'd had to run as it started raining again.

    After driving some more, and Mum flapping a piece of paper she called a 'map' and shouting "turn right here!", we came to a lovely place they called a beach. It was full of sand, and lots of doggy friends to play with. I ran about.   A lot!     When they stopped walking, back at the car, they had a conversation:

    Dad  "I wish she would jump into the car, she's all wet and covered in sand and I don't want to pick her up!"

    Mum "She will jump in, you know, if it suits her!"

    Dad "C'mon Bonnie"  (patting the back sill of the boot of the car)

    I just sat, smiling at them.

    Mum "Well, if you throw a dog treat in there, she'll jump in!"

    Dad threw something which smelled good, so I jumped straight in. Then he said "Why are you cleverer than me?" to Mum.

    She replied " Because I think like a dog!!!"

    I don't understand why they both laughed.

  • Joining the “izzling” conversation – we do have “drizzling” (far too often this winter when it should be raining). We also have “frizzling” or “sizzling” but rather on those days when it is said to be hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement. Mizzling & dreich, only in books. Never heard of mythering, but we do have grizzling, particularly around 5 pm.

    Bonnie - You have a clever mummy.

  • Good Morning, All.  No drizzling or mythering here today (yet).

    Dry, but rather grey skies. We noticed that some friends here had arrived last night, so hoping to catch a word with them before we leave, as we're going home later. We all get on well, but often seem to be "ships that pass in the night" here as we have different patterns of visiting.

    AQ - Bonnie says that Mum would be cleverer if she left the dog biscuits out more often!

  • Bonnie just now - my Dad got up so I jumped straight onto the warm place he'd left on the sofa!