Hallo all!  Have a happy week and don't forget to check last week's thread for any late-breaking developments!  :-))

  • Lindybird said:

    I bet your storms are much fiercer than ours - we've had thunder and lightning again today but it passed over and the sun came out.

    Lindy: I know you like clouds, so here's a very short video of a storm building here in the Midwest (across the border from me in Illinois.)

    I'll answer other posts tomorrow. Really worn out tonight, so I'm heading for bed early, and I intend to sleep late if the storms don't wake me up in the night. I did not have a good trip to Indianapolis, and I'm happy to be home. 

  • Diane: Wow! That wall of cloud is pretty darn intimidating!  Haven't seen anything quite like that. Hope you sleep well - and really sorry to hear the Indianapolis trip wasn't great. We didn't expect you back until tomorrow (Saturday). Was it the dogs/traffic/people?

  • Good Morning.  I hope that Diane is sleeping soundly, at last in her own bed. Sorry to hear that it's been disappointing, Diane. Thank you for the video clip - that's really scary. Never seen anything like it, as Annette says.

    Annette - You do disappoint me, I thought that you were going to sort the world out. It seems to be in a political mess throughout the globe. We seem to be entering an age of change. Not sure I like it! - the old order of things was not exactly ideal, but I do wonder what's coming, now. 

    A weekend of trying to sort out a few things, as we have some more weekends away coming up. Will try to find time to post some more Flower Show pics on here.

  • Diane – welcome back; sorry you are having autumn early after a late spring.  I hope your critters gave you a warm welcome!  Sorry to see this morning that your trip was not good.  I thought you were due back Thursday – guess you had to wait for your lift home.

    Rosy – sorry, I thought you had said the project downstairs was almost at an end!

    Linda – I hope G will be allowed home, at least for part of the weekend – Saturday and Sunday are so quiet in The Christie, with nothing much going on.  Pleased she and her OH have good neighbours.  I hope today’s sunshine will inspire your “sorting-out” this weekend!

    AQ – I hope your country will settle, politically, and they won’t have to roll out the guillotine to remove the old order while you knit!

    Annette – I am disappointed that you didn’t sort out the world while lunching with your friend!  Although that one answer would not be legal, I still hope that someone will do it – and soon!

    Good dry and sunny day today, but can’t make use of it as OH has things to do indoors – and a wet forecast for tomorrow.  I think we have to try to just use each good day as it comes, but it is the kitchen which he must clean today – been put off too often!  Return delivery of DMR is promised for this morning – lack of spare part only caused five days delay, so not too bad, but made evenings difficult as that is our normal way of watching television.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sunny here, now, after a very 'sudden shower' morning. Went for our food shop and spent longer than usual, as met friends to gossip to whilst in the supermarket.

    Now hauling myself away from having a sit down in the sunshine in our conservatory. Why do old newspapers seem to breed into a big pile if you leave just one on a table?  Maybe they're hermaphrodites.....

  • I have the opposite problem, LINDY. I throw the newspaper away as soon as I have read it each morning. Then, some family member will ask if I've got it. I just direct them to the recycling bin! I keep thinking that I don't need a daily paper, can read it online. But my day starts with the paper and coffee....

    Callum is here, washing his car. I'm expecting Elgin family at some point. Have done some clearing up of leaves, petals. It might rain tomorrow!

  • It's a really beautiful late summer day here, after torrential rain overnight.  A friend and I walked around the lake at Hever Castle this morning, trying to put the world to rights - again.  Our world, in those wide open spaces with very few people, was totally right - but soon got 'wrong' again when we reached reality in the more highly populated areas!  We are forecast to have lots more rain tomorrow - just when I have to drive across the Ashdown Forest early in the morning - a fantastically beautiful journey on a good day but really horrible in the rain.  Hey ho …

  • Lindy: I'm very sorry about your friend, and I hope the physicians can keep her comfortable and free of pain. Sending strength to you.

    I'm glad that your TV aerials have been sorted. I have an antenna on the roof that has been damaged in the storms. It's just pitiful to see with all its broken bits flapping in the wind. I have a new antenna, but I don't want to get up there and install the new one until I replace my poor roof. I can only bring in 2 channels with an antenna anyway, because I live so far from the major stations. I stream TV shows online. I meant to tell you earlier that I love Bonnie's Blogs. Thank you for the lovely butterfly photo for my birthday.

    Heather: I hope your son-in-law can get back to work soon and draw his full pay. That has to be financially challenging for them. I'm so glad that he's looking and feeling better. He had quite a scare. 

    I'll bet your OH's Doric dialect was lovely to listen to. I know you must miss it. When I moved back here from the city, I often smiled at my Dad's dialect/accent, which was a mix of rural hard prairie and southern hill country drawl. Now that I'm not in the corporate world on a daily basis (thankfully), I increasingly hear that accent in my own voice! LOL

    AQ: Dang! Your politicians are working overtime kicking up chaos and turmoil! I hope you and your countryfolk will all be okay when the dust settles. All you can do is keep knitting and hoping, I reckon.

    Lynette: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Congratulations! I hope you have wonderful celebrations for the day and a beautiful cruise!!!

    Gillian: Tea and cake! It doesn't get much better than that. I hope you enjoy your trip to Mull/Oban. Such lovely places.

    OG: I hope you get your DMR back as promised. I'm glad your roof job has been completed. Noisy and dirty work. Hope your lovely garden didn't suffer any lasting damage.

    bjane: I'm sure you do miss your OH every single day. Well done to you for being so self-sufficient in keeping up the home maintenance tasks. 

    Forest Boar: Autumn already! Sorry that you've had to say goodbye to summer. You live in such a beautiful area. I'm sure that autumn is lovely there. I would love to see that part of the U.K. some day. 

    Rosy: Oh, dear. I do hope the work will finally be completed very soon. That noise and chaos has to be causing so much stress. 

    Hi to Pat O.

    Hello to Clare and Limpy. Best wishes to both of you.

    All: I don't know about mizzling, fizzling, grizzling, or dreich. Where I live, a light rain is a drizzle and a torrential rain is a "gully washer." Today it's been the latter all morning with roaring thunder shaking the house.

  • Back again!  OH got through all the indoor jobs, as well as printing the newsletter down at the church, so has had a while in the garden – mowed the back lawn which had grown very lush and green as it was never as bad as the front.  Now gone outside to saw up some ancient wood to fit the bin.  Don’t think I mentioned, we have been moving a few objects around indoors, and have now reached the dreaded books!  The three of us began the assault on them last evening – put aside two bags full for the church bookstall and rearranged others on cleaned shelves – several more sessions needed!

    Linda – as you can probably guess, nothing is allowed to “breed” on our shelves!  We don’t have a daily paper, just the weekly local, and as soon as we buy one, the previous one joins the recycling.  And today I actually told OH off for leaving a magazine on the coffee table, in case it attracted others!

    Heather – I hope Callum will leave the garage tidy – did your other relatives dump their spare furniture there, or did they find another storage solution?

    Pat – how lovely to have a walk around the Hever lake – a lovely spot – and the gardens too, although I expect they were busier.  I liked Ashdown Forest too, but imagine it can be quite gloomy in the rain – maybe that’s why Eeyore lived there!

    Diane – DMR was delivered this morning but had to have settings reinstated, even though our recorded programmes were still on it!  Thundery storms sound bad – stay safe!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Nice to hear from you, Diane.   Sorry your roof needs attention.  Maybe I should send my OH over to sort it out for you, LOL!!

    OG - You're always so organised, you put us all to shame.  We only have two papers a week - a Saturday one because I like the colour supplement and the TV Guide, and a local paper, to which I often contribute on the letters page!  "I see your wife's been writing again!"  say my OH's friends.....

    The others are magazines, but only the quarterly RSPB one and a monthly called "The Oldie" which is a hoot - can recommend it.  But much to my OH's annoyance, I can't bear to throw anything away unless I'm quite sure that I've read it completely, in case I miss something.

    Pat, when you are out somewhere with a big sky, and nature all around, its so good to be able to forget the world's troubles. Hope the rain is not too bad tomorrow for you, but I know what you mean about driving in the rain.

    This afternoon I planted all the Alliums I've been buying - one lot from the Flower Show, and two lots from our Wales visit.  Hoping to have a nice display in the spring.  Then I rang our friends number - and my Friend G answered!  She is in bed, of course, but has been "let out" for a couple of days whilst its the Sunday followed by Bank Holiday Monday, then she will return to hospital for more tests and hopefully to start the chemo sessions - she wants to get them over with. She has been managing to eat and feels a lot better now that her lungs are back to normal.