Hallo all!  Have a happy week and don't forget to check last week's thread for any late-breaking developments!  :-))

  • Annette-I DO watch YouTube videos in order to fix something myself. Started doing that when my OH became too ill. He was a handyman EXTRAORDINAIRE!! Miss him terribly for so many reasons. I don't always want to wait for someone to fix something I could do myself.

  • Hi, all. 

    Just popped in to let you know that I'm back home. I can start the new thread this week. We've had a week of off-and-on torrential rains and storms. The temps have cooled down, so it looks like autumn is arriving early here. 

    bjane: I don't know what I would do without YouTube how-to videos and other DIY sites. 

    Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday. I turned 61. I'll be back later to catch up and do replies.

  • Sorry I missed your birthday Diane, hope it was a lovely day for you!

  • No worries, bjane. I was out of town on the day.

  • Welcome home, DIANE- have been thinking about you this week and wondering how things were going!

  • Diane: I guess that where we are in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, we are now experiencing autumn weather now - Oh joy!

  • Lynette,  Many congratulations on your GW anniversary.  You have a lovely weekend planned.

    OG,   The work downstairs continues. Yesterday and today, it was like sitting in a dentists chair (but louder), with the floor shaking on occasions! Also, a few loud bangs for good measure!

    I had a word with the neighbour underneath today. She is equally 'going round the bend'. We cannot understand what is going on. The whole flat must be gutted.

    Welcome back, Diane. Hope you enjoyed the week away and that your house has

    not been taken over by the local wildlife! I am sure they will be glad to see their human back again.

    FB,   I think autumn is arriving. I get caught up in sticky spiders webs when going out of the garden door. I am then rather concerned about where the spider is.

    Quite often in my hair!

    I rather like autumn.

  • I rather like autumn.....but it's not here yet!!  Nooooo!

    Diane, hope you were able to enjoy some small treats on the day of your birthday. Welcome back. The RT Hawk was probably sitting in a nearby tree, waiting for your return. Hope that your doggie friends behaved themselves whilst you were taking care of them. I bet your storms are much fiercer than ours - we've had thunder and lightning again today but it passed over and the sun came out.

    Rosy, sorry that the "noises off" are so dreadful. Do hope it comes to an end shortly. We've had a  h u g e  spider in our living room for the last two days, it/she sits just below the ceiling, not moving for several hours at a time. I'm very unsettled by them so I have to keep checking on it. Didn't want to ask my OH to move it as he sometimes grabs them too roughly.

    Rang my Friend G's OH and she is still in the hospital. She has managed to eat a little and has had lots of tests. Hoping that she may come home over the weekend. He went out for a fish supper tonight with friends - he is now inundated with invitations by the kind neighbours he has.

  • Lynette _ Congratulations to you & OH on your GW.

    Linda – I hope hospital can ease your friend.

    Fine sunny days, alas wheezing season already.

    Interesting time yesterday, I was knitting (Madame Defarge?) while events unfolded. We have a new PM, amazingly not the challenger. Hopefully this party can pull themselves together before next year’s election. Sadly turmoil is being driven by a former PM who wants back in. At least the latest ex-PM believes he should not remain to undermine. I did smile at news of the 30-year-old Texan who has same name as challenger and took in good spirit some abusive messages he received..

  • Sigh.  Well, world not sorted out in spite of lunch with old friend on her way home through town. We had one answer to the current situation here; unfortunately it's not legal.

    Diane:  61!  A mere spring chicken!

    bjane:  Yes, and I absolutely hate paying for someone to do a bad job:  I can screw things up myself for free!

    Rosy: We have orb spiders here in the Fall - and I've seen the first one.  It doesn't do to go barrelling out the door first thing without checking for their (lovely but icky) webs.

    Lindybird:  Is G staying hospital then - glad folks are taking her OH under their collective wings.

    AQ:  Thinking about name mix-ups and wondering how many unfortunates share the same name as our not-illustrious leader.

    Off to dig up something for dinner.  Poor OH. It's slim pickings tonight.