WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 2018

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  • Heather: I missed your post earlier. No-one has mentioned it but, as an ex-paramedic in the earlier days (as trials to see if they would work) and with the NHS website I am aware of that problem. At the moment I think that it is best to get a grip on this and then explore. I suspect that my GP is thinking that way as well. I certainly have faith with him and he has helped OH a couple of times too.

  • PS OG - I made a stupid remark about J, wondering what 'brought it on'. My youngest suffers from generalised anxiety disorder and panic attacks appear from nowhere. I should know better, having been trained in anxiety management. Sorry.

  • ANNETTE- Danes probably October. My friend from Wales is arriving on 31st of this month. The surgery is best looked up online,a bit gruesome! Dupuytrens contracture. It is an inherited condition, aka the Viking Disease! From my father's side of the family. He had it. Family from the Ardnamurchan peninsula, north west Scotland. Vikings were there for 500 years.They left place names as well as genes! Surgery would result in plaster then splint... I will be having injections into hands, one at a time. We'll see how that goes. I might need surgery but we're going to try this first. Yes, six months but might be sooner. However he will try and do it after the gardening season! A very nice gesture :-)

  • PS ANNETTE- the Viking Disease is very prevalent in - you guessed it!- Scandinavia.

  • Friend G and her family left only half an hour ago - they've had a long day. An hour and a half with the Consultant, followed by a two hour wait to get an injection at the pharmacy - her treatment is going to be monthly hormone injections. They have said that she has secondary cancers in her spine and pelvis, and that she has about two to three years left, although that of course is not an exact science.

    We are all trying to be brave and matter of fact about it. Thank you for all thinking of me today, I'm tired now after being tense all day, and interestingly my toothache came back which I had last time I was stressed.

  • Thank you for coming on and telling us, LINDY. Try and rest, now. Sending hugs x

  • Lindy - so sorry to hear the news about your friend G.  From what you have said, I'm sure she will face whatever is coming bravely and positively.  She must be very grateful for your support.  I'm sure you are tired as well, having held yourself in tension while thinking about her.  Hope you have a good and peaceful night.

    OG - so sorry to hear about J's problems.  I hope you have all managed to have a more peaceful day and that things have calmed down.

    It's been cooler and more manageable today, after some rain overnight.  The lawn is almost green again!  Isn't nature wonderful - things recover so quickly.

  • OG - Sorry to hear that you all had a fright and poor J had to go to A&E. Do hope he's recovering now. The mind is a strange thing, and maybe it sometimes tries to throw us somewhat. Hope you can all get some rest this evening.

    Thank you, Pat  and Heather -  an early night for me tonight, I think!

  • LINDY    Sorry to hear the news. I guess it was expected, but that doesn't make it any easier. 

    Feel a bit guilty saying this but I know that some will want to know that Benson is back to himself.

  • Lindy: I feel for your friend and you as supporting is very stressful as well.OH and I went through this with older SD when at one point in her chemo treatment she nearly died. It is hard. Good luck to you both.

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