WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 2018

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  • Thanks DIBNLIB.

    Good morning- Sun here but for how long? Haven't looked at the rainfall radar picture yet.

    Not sure if anyone has asked you, FB, if it is pernicious anaemia that ails you. I've a feeling someone has, though.

    I hear on the News that some president or other has boobed about the Californian wildfires. It would be helpful if he wasn't so interested..... Seriously, I know there are a lot of fires going in various places just now but this one in California seems to be huge. Did I hear correctly? Fourteen thousand fire fighters?

    Will do garden work today if the rain holds off. Was it you, ROSY that quite liked a few weeds? I'm trying to teach myself that the bigger they get the easier it is to hoik them out of the ground! I've discovered over time that the weeds on the tarmac driveway need to be a certain size so that the weedkiller spray can work properly. What an interesting life I lead ;-)

  • Been trying to get on, but been getting the "error" message.

    Good Morning. Cloudy and much cooler, here.  We're having Friend Gs dog whilst she and her OH go to The Christie today for their consultation. No idea what the day may bring, but have all my fingers crossed for my friend.

  • Will be thinking about G and also you, today, LINDY.

  • Thank you, Heather.

  • Best wishes to your friend, Lindy. I'm hoping for the best.

  • Thank you, Diane.   But I'm not expecting good news. This could be a tough day.

    The dog has been dropped off, (She is a Miniature Schnauzer) and she is sitting under our dining table, looking lost and staring at Bonnie, who went crazy when she arrived. Although they used to play together, they seem to have forgotten about it.  We have the outdoor doors open, so they can go out into the garden if they want to.

    Picture of them when puppies, playing:

  • Hi, all!  Spent a worrying evening yesterday when J lost speech – knew what he wanted to say but couldn’t get it out – a disconnect between thought and action.  OH took him to A&E and they did all the obs and tests for all the same things we had feared.  He made a slow recovery while there, and the consultant’s conclusion was it was an anxiety panic attack.  If it is as bad again, he is to see his GP for meds and referral.

    FB – pleased they say you don’t have gallstones.  Not long to wait now till the Vitamin B12 treatment! 

    Linda – thinking of G today – and you too, as you wait to know how she got on.  I hope the treatment can be quite mild for her to endure.  Sorry the little dog is confused!  I hope Bonnie will be kind to her and that they can play like they used to.

    All tired here after the late night so nobody is going out as originally planned.  OH is apparently spending the afternoon shouting on the phone at various utility companies!  I must remember to ask where he is up to with the hearing aids – I think they will improve his conversational skills!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG    Sorry to hear about J.....panic attacks can be so very debilitating.

    LINDY   thinking of you, waiting the news of your friend.

  • OG- how worrying for you. I wonder what brought it on. I know what you would have feared, given his medical history. You will indeed, all be tired.

  • Morning all:  Swore I'd responded last night but perhaps I just thought about it and never actually did it.

    FB: Glad you have some treatment lined up, but sorry it will take a while to kick in. :-(   And yes, no pill can replace built-in sense of humor.

    Heather: Geez. What's the less invasive treatment with a six months waiting list? How long would recovery from surgery take?  I must say that "some president or other" is really getting me down.  I was working in the garden the other day and thinking how I would feel if we had a grown-up, reasonable person in charge and how much of a relief that would be.  One less thing to fret about.  That man is certifiable.  Re weeds:  I was trying to pull weeds at the Arizona house but the soil is very hard. Granddaughter took the goat for a walkabout but he ended up trying to eat flowers and trees instead.  I'm thinking of sneaking in some weedkiller and just spot spraying the areas where I know the animals don't wander. There's one especially intractable weed that spreads like - um - wildfires. Ghastly thing with thorns...   When are the Danes arriving?

    Lindybird: Will also be thinking of you and G, although it's already mid-afternoon there.  Hope your visiting dog settled down.  Glad you managed to fit the "4" on Amber's card. :-)  I have to get the ladder out and get the oranges off our tree; they're usually long gone (distributed to friends, neighbors and Food Bank) by now, but so many other things going on this summer.... Still, have been picking them one by one for breakfast and they're still wonderfully juicy and sweet.

    dibnlib: Something to look forward then, meeting up with cruise friends for another trip. :-)

    Rosy: That must be hard, coz you can't spend all day out of the house just to avoid the noise. The first couple of weeks during daughter's bathroom remodel in Arizona were extremely noisy, what with the demo and reframing, then it got quieter..  Hope you get to that stage soon.

    OG: Oh that's so worrying about J. My first thought would've been "stroke." Let's hope it was a one-off.  Ha! Silly me, I thought EE would be shouting at utility companies just because it seems to be the norm when dealing with any large corporation/entity any more.  I'm noticing that every time I call any company these days, I get a "We're experiencing a higher call volume than normal at this time so your wait time may be longer than usual."  So? Hire more people to answer the darn phones for heaven's sake!  Oh, then there's the now-ubiquitous (at least here), "If this is a medical emergency, hang up and dial 911."  How long will it be before my hairdresser's phone comes up with that.....   Grrr.

    Off to Yoga this morning, but am dropping area rugs off at cleaners en route. After this summer, I can't cope with shopping for new carpet or new chairs, so we've got the cleaners coming in two weeks to do the wall-to-wall carpet, right after the window cleaners.  

    Take care everyone.

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