WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 2018

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  • Been out on errands, plus several phone calls to make. Strange weather, neither hot nor cold!

    OG - I made some cards for the GCh. upcoming birthdays, yesterday. First ones I've made for ages, as it's a bit of a faff, as a friend of mine used to say, to get everything out. In an ideal world I would have a desk and drawers all kitted out ready, but as it is I have supplies of cards, paper and "bits" in various boxes scattered around the bedrooms! Happy with what I produced, though, in spite of forgetting to leave room to fit the number 4 onto Amber's card, and then managing to slide one in afterwards!

    Heather - Sorry to hear that you've paid dearly for your efforts with your visitors: hope they can help you with your hands, which must be very limiting. Do be kind to yourself!

    EDIT :  Everyone in authority seems to be getting younger!  I was in our surgery the other day, and I thought that perhaps the young man on the reception was someone's son, doing work experience!! Still don't know why he was there instead of our usual "ladies"!!!

  • On Sunday we went to a farmer's market, which in spite of the heat, was heaving. There were several unhappy looking dogs being dragged around amongst the crowds, why do people think they should bring them to these sorts of event? Grr.  We bought a nice steak pie, which we ate last night, and a big clump of Rudbeckia daisies for the area of the garden that I've been trying to repopulate.

    Yesterday I got things ticked off my To Do List, then in the afternoon we visited Sis-in-law, who is still finding unopened boxes in her garage, since moving. We gave her a big bag of apples from our tree, which my OH had climbed with his big ladder on Sunday.

  • One of the people we met on our cruise sent us a change of email address a couple of days ago.  OH replied and mentioned we were thinking of a Budapest to Nuremberg cruise next year. This morning they replied that they were thinking the same and would we put up with them again. You bet we can!!!

  • That is a lovely thing to happen dibnlib! It is great to meet 'kindred spirits' on holiday.

  • Sorry that you feeliing so tired, Heather. Not surprising, though. You probably put everything into the 'visitation' last week. I am sure they all appreciated your efforts.(well, maybe not Bella yet)

    The garden will wait. I like a few weeds.

    Temporary lull in noise levels from downstairs just now. Must be break time.

    A lot of shaking of the floor this am, similar to the earthquake simulation in the

    Natural History Museum.

  • How nice Dibnlib. (We have friends who we meet in the Canaries each spring, and we exchange Christmas cards with about four couples from our times there - however we rarely see them when back in the UK).

    Rosy, your "noises off" sound very distracting, I do hope they get around to the quieter parts of the renovations soon. 

    We've been cutting things back in the garden - amazingly, the brambles still seem to thrive even in this drought. We dug a hole a foot deep to plant the daisy I bought, and it's dry to even below that.

  • Just a brief visit here busyish at the moment. I had a bit of good news this morning from the local hospital I went to for the ultrasound scan – no gall stones, so that’s one worry less.

    Now I know an awful lot more about vitamin B12 deficiency and I can now realise all the symptoms have developed over quite some years, and I just associated with getting older and being a carer. I spoke to an acquaintance and that was what his wife suffered so I know that I am in for a long haul as recovery to a 'normal state' will be several years. That's if I last that long! Loss of a sense of humour wasn't on the list thank goodness, and depression is not one I recognise I have.

  • Must be a relief to know there are no gallstones, FB.  And your sense of humour has carried you through many an event, and I'm sure it won't desert you now :-)

  • Thanks Lindy, this group has been extremely supportive as it is difficult to find people who understand the implications of this problem. Family is helping wonderfully especially younger SD.

  • HEATHER    Time for yourself now, I think.

    FORESTBOAR  My Father in Law has to have regular B12 injections. If he leaves it late things do go awry. My Sister in Law lives with him and has to make sure all the medical things happen. Take care of yourself as well as looking after others.

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