DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Wednesday, 25 July 2018

This'll wake you up, lol ;-D


But her meal was interrupted by a persistent intruder, GJ "helped" to defend and tried to mate but was brushed off.

The remainder of the day was uneventful (or have I forgotten something?).

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  • Transition:

    Sheer chance that I snapped this at 0400 exactly:

  • scylla said:
    This'll wake you up, lol ;-D

    Ooooo, LURVELY! The surroundings sparkle with gold, too, in back of EJ's backlit wings & fish! Well, I am checking in before beddy bye. I hope the cam doesn't show up as blurry tmw morning. :-/  Maybe it is blurry because there is light there from a clear night with a near full moon??? Normally it is pitch black when I tune in...

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • DAYCAM 04:29hr:


    I just fell asleep over my laptop :o  So I think I'd better say SYAL until later :)

  • Hiya, CC - we're off to sleep at more or less the same time, despite different time zones :)  See ya later :)

  • Good Morning Everybody

    I saw EJ, I presume, fly in from the right on scroll back a short while ago Just now I thought she was eating but now, not so sure as she's hardly moving at all No fish I think

  • Good Morning Scylla, CC, Patily et al

    I see EJ has been to AO for her breakfast this morning LOL....   "What a girl" 

  • Hi MARY and thanks So, perhaps I wasn't imagining the feeding movements when I first looked in LOL!

    How far is AO from LG?

  • Of Course EJ will go as the "Osprey Flies"   :-) 

    Got to go now, enjoy your webcam watching day all. 

  • Good morning all. Just found this on scroll back. EJ arriving with fish. Time around 0530.

  • Good morning!  Another hot hot hot day down south, but LG looks cooler. What a gloriously golden start to the day, Scylla!

    EJ is still on the Love Tree, and has been enjoying her fish.

    Patily asked how far it would be for EJ to fly to AO.  Scylla gave the scenic route,  here is perhaps the more direct flight path!  7.03 miles, a round trip for a spot of exercise of over 14 miles.

    I wonder whether she ever stops off at Loch Pityoulish.  Is it stocked?  Are there fish occurring naturally there.  Are osprey seen fishing there?  I think I have read reference to it, but I don't know for sure!  Alison?  Mary? 

    The wind has got up, and she has paused her eating.  All the leaves and branches seem to be moving well.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

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