Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful (and cooler) week!

Collared Lizard, Arches National Park, UTAH USA
U.S. National Park Service/Casey Hodnett
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Annette: That's ghastly news! I so, so hope the fire will go in the direction away from your house until firefighters can get it under control. You must have been frantic when you couldn't reach your OH. You must feel so helpless, being so far away. I'm glad your grandson is recovering well. I'm sending you all the positive energy that I can muster. Take care of yourself and try to get some rest. Hugs to you!!!

  • HEATHERR - seen my typo - should read "Soon ON a normal ward!"

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • First time ever that the whole garden has been done in one season!  Now sent him to sweep doorsteps and wash the doors down!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Send him here when he has finished, OG! I popped into own place this afternoon, rose petals everywhere. They will have to wait. SiL is now on ordinary ward but needed another blood transfusion today.

    ANNETTE- I haven't checked on your fires since returning here to Elgin. Will do so. Hope that your grandson continues to make progress.

    LINDY- a happy day? Hope Bonnie hasn't been in the bad books!!

    We had a super time at middle daughter's home. Amy's birthday BBQ was enjoyed by all. The rest of them are still there, Callum took the girls and I to the station at 6pm. I'm happy that we went.

  • I am happy that you went too, Heather, and I am sure their parents are glad that you enabled the younger girls to be there!  Pleased S-i-L is doing okay.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:   Stayed up watching fire coverage late then woke up at 5:45!   In between napping have propped myself up and have been watching the Cup Final (yay England!) and the Edmonds/Djokovic game that just finished.  Seems like the Russia/Croatia match is still going on.  

    Meanwhile, thanks ALL for good wishes. The fire is still smouldering - small acreage involved (only about 100 acres) but the houses caught in its path had no chance.  I just saw an interview with the SB County fire chief, held in front of a lovely little house I used to walk by and always thought "I could live there."  Looks like not much left of it.  Just awful for the family.  Anyway, the winds shouldn't be as severe this evening and a cooler trend is due  Speculation is that the winds blew down a power line and that started the fire but we'll hear more at a press conference this afternoon.

    OG:  The rain is wonderful.  Nobody cares about the intensity (well, until it causes flash floods and people try to drive through them).  Was a bit concerned about not reaching OH, especially as the answering machine wasn't picking up, but he'd just gone off to bed after the power had gone off.  I do worry about him as he tends not to think about practical things like keeping phones charged, vehicles maintained, etc.  We were planning to replace carpeting, buy two new armchairs, etc. when I got home and before niece arrives in September, but I think we may just get the carpeting cleaned (for the last time!),  drape some throws over the chairs and deal with it later on.  This year has been way too busy.

    DIANE: Positive energy welcome, but I fear you're running short so do keep enough for yourself. :-)

    LINDYBIRD:  That sounds like a nice little area; not too many caravans.  It seems like it isn't heavily used: I'd think Autumn would be a good time to go, although maybe with school back in sessions, families don't have the time.

    HEATHER:  How are you doing and how is your SiL?  Oh, I see you're back on home turf and have updated us.  Wonder when SiL will be released from hospital.  

    Take care all.  

  • Had a warm day, but not impressively hot. Enjoyed our walk along the straits this morning, then had a light lunch and another sit in the sun. Our peace was somewhat spoiled by the noisy neighbours, though: the visitors were very loud talkers and we could hear every word even though they are quite a few yards along from us. Eventually, it was pleasanter to go inside and watch the football match! 

    Bonnie has been well behaved but it seems rather risky to say so!! You never know, she might disgrace herself! Cooked ourselves a nice steak tonight and had a glass of red with it. Just been down to the beach to watch a red fireball go down on the horizon. Folks taking pictures of themselves in front of the sunset, and people even swimming in the bay. (The waters really cold even though it's been good weather)

    Hope everything is OK back home for you, Annette. Enjoy your "me time."

    Glad you had a lovely time with the family, Heather.