Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Pleasant day here. Not nearly as hot as yesterday which suits me fine.  Nice swim this morning, lovely and quiet. Next week "Turtle Tots" finishes for 7 weeks holiday. Yipee.

    Safe journey home LINDY.

  • We arrived safely, thanks, Dibnlib: saw the awful accident in Cambridgeshire on the News. We came back without stopping at all,  on the motorways. Normally we divide the journey into two and drive half each but it was so hot, we decided it was cooler to keep going. Subsequently, with little traffic, we broke all records in doing the trip in under two hours.

    Our garden looks pretty good considering - some small poppy seedlings were just getting to a decent size but some of them look very sorry for themselves. The tubs of bedding have survived as we gave it all a good soaking before we left, and I moved the smaller ones into the shade.

    AQ -- That's quite a tale, of the brown snake scaring you. I hope it didn't give you both nightmares after! 

  • OG -- Your shorn locks may keep you cooler in the present heatwave!  My OH is going to the allotment shortly, to see how things are and get everything watered. He's worried about the tomatoes as was unable to arrange for anyone to water them.

  • OH walked across the deck this afternoon and declared it too hot to spend time outside, so he did some much-needed indoor cleaning!  I am wrestling with menus - trying to find lunches which J will eat in the holidays but which are "real food" for us!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG,  Ah yes, the children break up at the end of the week and the summer hols are upon us. Is J particularly fussy or do you just like very different things and do I remember he does a mean span bol?

  • Hot here today,for UK, 31°C. I have stayed inside all day. Home tomorrow, to cooler temps, more what I'm used to! Bella a little more accepting of the new status quo but still challenging behaviour.

    Thanks all, for your news and supportive remarks! AQ - patience in short supply but am managing not to interfere -

  • DIBNLIB - J has always been a fussy eater, and would live on junk food if he could!  He is still cooking for us once a week.  I have definite likes and dislikes, as does OH but not the same ones!  I tend to accept things I don't like and then leave some.  I would live on salads twice a day, and probably mostly veggie food - they won't, and J really doesn't like salad served with a hot meal.

    Thin cloud  cover this evening, but still 27 degrees centigrade in the shade!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning. Another very hot day ahead, so I'm going out for supplies before it gets too stifling. 

    OG - Its difficult to cater when you don't all enjoy the same things.  I would eat a salad at least once a day, but my OH gets bored with them, and won't try unusual things either.

    Hope that the reason we've not heard from Annette is that things are happening there, in the way of progress!

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • Good morning; no cloud today, very hot night too.  OH has taken car to have a door strip assessed - basically it's coming off and has got itself caught in the closing of the door a few times.  Will be a warranty job, but they want to look at it prior to replacing.

    Later he and I are having lunch out - just because we can!  J has a meal with colleagues tonight (good bye to some leaving, his birthday on Friday and general end of term bash) so we won't be having family dinner so we thought we would have a main meal out (probably carvery) then lighter tea later.

    Take care in the sun, and DIANE in the storms!  Bad moorland fire on Saddleworth Moor, near Manchester. and I guess there will be others in peatland areas in the days to come - we always had them when we lived in Lancashire.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Enjoy your lunch out, OG!

    The fires on the moorland are sobering - must be exhausting for those trying to get it all under control.