Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 June 2018


The Solstice occurs on 21 June. I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful summer (a wonderful winter for AQ)!

Purple Galanule, Everglades National Park, Florida USA
National Park Service/Rodney Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good morning!

    Welcome rain here during the night but I will still give the tubs a drink before I leave. Stepson is driving me to airport, I was going to be economical and get the (free for oldies) Jet Bus. I hardly ever get to use my bus pass but it is useful to have.

    OG - You must be peeved at missing out on your payback. It is a shame about your damage from the storm but it sounds as if the runner beans weren't blown over!

    LINDY - enjoy your break, plus potatoes.... Thinking about your friend.

    ANNETTE - I think you are a hero. I don't like being away from home for more than a few days.

  • Been out shopping - it was surprisingly quiet.  A lot of the trade around here has now gone to the new Aldi supermarkets, there are three within easy reach!!

    Heather:  I'm glad you're being taken care of by your stepson.  What a gem he is.

    I see that Princess Anne's daughter Zara has just had her second child, a girl.  Wonder what they will call her (her first is called Mia)

    I've just changed my Avatar to one of the white poppies I posted recently, just for a change.

  • LINDY   I really envy you those home grown new potatoes. I can't remember when I last had some tasty new pots.  Such a shame. Cannot remember when I last had delicious victoria plums either!!!

    Swam this morning, then met a friend for coffee. She had her daughters cross husky/red collie with her so we came here to collect Benson and walk in the wood. We bumped into someone I haven't seen in years and who now has a rescue dog (his first dog ever) The 3 dogs had a great time playing together and I think it really tired Benson out. When OH got home from work, we immediately went out for coffee. We returned home and there was no sign of our Guard Dog!!! He was flaked out in his bed and didn't waken up till we spoke to him. That was a first.

  • Hello, all.  A wet night and early morning, but some benefit to garden has been lost with a drying wind.  However, it was good to get out and about with a successful shopping trip.  Had a really good Greek salad for lunch at the garden centre.  We went there to buy things in their Food Hall, and for once we didn’t buy a plant!

    Annette – no clues about the house opposite – could be that they are renting it out – would explain why no furniture appeared to leave, and contents seemed to go in small boxes or even handfuls; where they have gone remains a mystery!  Sounds as if you are pleased with progress – but sure you will be glad when all done!

    Heather – pleased you had transport to the airport – and hope it was a comfortable flight.  No damage to Runner Beans (other than something nibbling them) and only plant damaged by Hector was one Foxglove blown over.

    Dibnlib – Benson must have had a wonderful time with his friends on the walk, to fall asleep when on duty while you were out!

    OH is watering/feeding certain plants, after retrieving the shed’s second layer of roofing felt.  He has contacted a handyman to do that repair (no reply yet) and is going to get quotes for the wall which lost its rendering.  I am hoping for another cleaning day tomorrow, but have a feeling the garden will take precedence!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We had rain!!  It started just as we sat down for lunch, and I thought it would just be a few drops, but as I went out to rescue the laundry, it pelted down! However, it was only brief and the blackbirds sang afterwards. 

    Sorry your shed's suffering, OG! - Hope it "gets better soon!"  At least your plants didn't get damaged too much.

    Dibnlib, I had to laugh at poor Benson....

  • Good morning -

    The flight down was smooth but late taking off. That wasn't helped by quite a few passengers having difficulty stowing their bags in the overhead lockers. Small aircraft + most people using the maximum permissible size of cabin luggage which is included in the basic fare. Not me, don't travel light!

    Well, I'm now here in Bella Land - she greeted me by throwing her arms wide and shouting "MY HOME!" several times. I wasn't sure whether she was welcoming me or letting me know that I was now on her territory....

    My daughter in law is exhausted,uncomfortable and just desperate for the baby to be born as is normal at 39 and a half weeks.

    Thanks for all your news, if I survive I will make replies later :-)

  • Good Morning.  Dry & sunny here, and we're off to Wales again this afternoon. I might as well get some laundry on the line this morning before we go! - life is exciting!

    Heather -  Nice for you to get an enthusiastic welcome! I feel for your daughter, it's an uncomfortable stage. Hope baby makes an appearance soon, and all goes well (without it making an appearance in the middle of the night!).

  • "Welcome to Bella Land,

    Grandma dear --

    We're all really pleased that you are here.

    Now, we can play and read my books

    And we can wonder how my baby will look - 

    Maybe a boy, who'll get me in a whirl

    Maybe a girl, who'll make my hair curl!"

  • Ha ha, LINDY - Just about sums it up!

  • Bright for the summer solstice – but a cool breeze again.  Activity over the road – girl about 18 months in pushchair, boy about 6 on his way to school – visiting or theirs?  Not sure!

    J got late this morning - set off at 9:05 after a very extended shower!  Had his hair cut yesterday, maybe he was itchy with bits of hair!

    Linda – I hope the laundry wasn’t too wet by the time you rescued it from the shower yesterday.  I thought you were setting off Wednesday, but have a good journey today and a good holiday in Wales.

    Heather – Sounds as if Bella has at least let you in to her home!   I hope the birth happens soon without the planned induction!

    Needed in kitchen, so that’s all for now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!