Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 June 2018


The Solstice occurs on 21 June. I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful summer (a wonderful winter for AQ)!

Purple Galanule, Everglades National Park, Florida USA
National Park Service/Rodney Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • I love Newfies as well. Ailsa who is about 2 years old, is a regular visitor to our favourite coffee shop and of course get lots of fuss from everyone.

  • Good Morning.  New Foundland are such gentle giants!

    Looks as if it's another dry day here - late afternoon yesterday gave us dramatic skies, with bright sunshine in one direction and moody, black clouds on the other!- but once again, no rain fell.

    I expect you're finishing your packing now, Heather. I hope all goes well. It will be lovely to welcome a new member of the family into the world.

    Diane, that sounds hot, hot hot! So tiring when it's humid like that.

    AQ - That Mallyon fellow sounds quite a character. An interesting bit of history.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • Hello all -

    DIANE - I think that it is you who should be taking care, in those temperatures! I think that ANNETTE is suffering a bit with the desert dust and heat, also.

    Still a bit windy here but less so than yesterday. I thought that a birch tree across the road was going to come down but all was OK.

    Got the bill for the two double glazed units - not a 'sit down 'amount, LINDY! The labour charges are almost as much as the cost of the materials!

    Packing is not done yet but various piles of clothes and stuff are sitting on the bed in the spare bedroom. I'm hoping that son will be at the airport to meet me tomorrow and not in the labour ward, holding his wife's hand! I have found out that I could get a train to Wellington from the airport and once there, I could get a taxi to their house. I've discussed this with son, so as long as he leaves a key somewhere for me, we've got that base covered....

    I will have my tablet thingy with me, so all being well, will keep in touch.

    Regards to all

  • You sound organised for the trip, Heather. I do that: put everything out on the bed and on hangers, then shove it all into the case at the last evening. That way, you know that you've got everything you need. I left my OH to contact some more double glazing people for estimates, but he's not done anything about it yet.

    My Friend had her body scan this morning, but won't be given the results just yet.

    Clouded over here, now. I put out laundry but it's just hanging there. We've been down to our travel agent to settle the bill on our Autumn holiday, which makes it seem more real somehow. (We go in late September) Must go and do some of the ironing pile..... lots to get done yet, today.

  • LINDY - I just got our usual joiner to replace the double glazed panes. The conservatory has timber windows so I asked him first before contacting anyone else.

  • A busy day again – but can’t really remember what I have done!  It was good to have a cooler night and a fine day until about 5:30pm when gentle rain started – heavy overnight rain is forecast.

    Good to hear from our distant overnight posters, AQ, Annette and Diane!

    Diane – sorry it is so hot!

    Dibnlib – OH had a cuddle with the Newfoundland puppy – I declined as I don’t like the dribble – also don’t know of I am allergic to that breed.

    Heather – I hope all goes well for your journey and stay in Shropshire!  Hope the delivery goes well too, with a healthy outcome for all!

    Linda – I hope your Friend won’t have to wait too long for her scan result.  I see you are off on holiday again – have a good time!  Will this include your Osprey trip?  OH is seeking out suitable repairers for shed roof and driveway wall.  At least our solar generation is working well now – but we lost six weeks of payback which could be four to five hundred pounds in summer!

    Hoping for a short trip tomorrow – only to garden centre and M&S!  Laundry has caught up, and OH even cleaned the kitchen and dining room today.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • PS  A nosey neighbour update - the people across the road seem to have flitted!  They were emptying the house car load by carload, to somewhere very near.  Their Daughter was there Sunday night until she went to work Monday morning, but we now seem to have a younger couple in residence - tall dark and handsome with a very young blonde other half!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Wonder if the house has been vacated for another member of their family, then OG?  Maybe you'll find out if you get chance to introduce yourselves!

    I hope to get down to Glaslyn at least, on this trip. I have told my OH that I have Dyfi on my list for this summer, too -  we didn't get around to going there last year but then, it is problematical as if it's too warm we can't leave Bonnie in the car, and it's one of those places where dogs aren't welcome, except in the car park.

    Got my ironing done and watched the last two episodes of "The Split" - a drama on the BBC recently. Have just been around the garden with watering cans full of plant feed, and picked more sweet peas.

    Friend has just described her day, she had her tests and scans this morning and has managed a small plate of her favourite sausages tonight, after fasting for the tests.  Results expected in "less than 2 weeks" but it could be only a week if she's lucky.

  • Evening all:

    Heather: Hope the trip goes smoothly and that son is at the airport.   We also have temps in t he 90s here, but because it's in the desert it's a dry heat and much less wearing than what poor Diane is sweltering through.

    Lindybird: Am I completely confused and is this the formerly canceled trip - or did you already go on that cruise?  I do hope your friend gets an early report and that whatever it is can be sorted out with diet, meds, etc.

    OG:  Well, that was a fast turnover for the people across the road.  Is the  house a rental I wonder....

    A good day here; granddaughter and Ms D went to morning movie program for kiddies and then to the local swimming pool.  I got a lot of phone calls and paperwork done, then did a few errands.  Granddaughter ran into a former colleague at the pool and has now gone out to dinner with the "girls" from that job.

    Have a good Wednesday all, and safe travels to those on the move....

  • Good Morning, All.  Still dry here in spite of vague reports of rain in the night.

    Annette -- Yes, it's the replacement cruise - leaving a full 24 days later than the original one booked!  We're going away for a weekend for my birthday, to somewhere in the UK to celebrate, to make up for our plans being spoiled (Grr!)  Glad things are going well, there. You must have been a huge help.

    Safe journey for Heather today.

    I'm getting some groceries to take with us tomorrow, and packing up. My OH is tending the allotment, where the strawberries are smaller than usual as it's been so dry, and he's picking up some yummy new potatoes for us to take.