Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 June 2018


The Solstice occurs on 21 June. I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful summer (a wonderful winter for AQ)!

Purple Galanule, Everglades National Park, Florida USA
National Park Service/Rodney Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ROSY    It was on the Beeb last night 1930 -2100.

  • I recorded it, to enjoy later.

    We're home and all is well. We went to our Youngest's, and all of us went into the town where there was a Food & Drink Festival. We had burgers, and soup, (mine was tomato and basil) and the children played on the swings. I had brought some carrot cake with me (not my own!) so we had that when we got back to the house. A reasonable journey home but of course there are still bad roadworks on several sections of the road. :-(

  • We are home - J did a good job here and the storm damage is not too bad - I think he was worried that it happened on his watch, but he couldn't control the freaky weather!  A visit on the way home made up for our lost Saturday and I am feeling good - not so tired as usual!  Will tell you about the place we found next time I check in.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OK, so Lindybird and OG home after two successful trips; Heather leaving Wednesday to admire new family member.  

    Heather: Sounds like your son's business is doing very well.

    Limpy: Interesting link that; thank you!

  • Hi all, not been on for a while.   Lovely to read what has been going on with you all. Not a lot to say except today being fathers' day we had a nice family meal here with son and his wife coming round, dau already lives with us. We have been ambling along with not a lot happening although OH is often out at the local cricket as he commentates for the blind.  Have a good week all.

  • Lynette: Good to see you!

    Rosy: Ditto!  :-)

    AQ: Was in a hotel in Prescott Valley, but now back at house playing musical beds.  I bought a fold-out pad that I can sleep on but nobody will let me, which is very frustrating.  Granddaughter is using it, but daughter and I plan to rearrange the situation upon daughter's return from California (she's flying there tomorrow to see her docs and will be back Friday evening) that makes better sense for all. Will have to do it when granddaughter is at work or she'll start bossing us around!  :-)

    Actual tile setting starts this week (lots of "drying" going on at this point). Once that's complete, things should start coming together - not soon enough :-)

  • Good Morning.  Dry again here.  Good to see you're OK, Lynette.

    Annette, Sounds as if it's all going to come right, after all the work. I'm sure you've played a big part in helping it become what was needed.

    We would have liked to visit Eldest next weekend, but as that's not possible, we're off to Wales again during the week. So it's busy busy over the next few days, getting things done here and also packing stuff up to go.

    I hope everyone has a good week!

  • Another chilly day with no rain, down to 5 C overnight, crept up to 11, now dropping. Tomorrow the same. Today I posted on flickr an unusual-looking church, seen at Culcairn NSW.

  • Indeed, unusual, AQ. Thank you for posting it :-) Very modern looking, even for the Sixties. I wonder if the congregation like it when it was built?

    ANNETTE - Musical beds - I'm not surprised that you are not permitted to sleep on the flop out bed (we have one here, it looks like a chair when it is not being a bed, and that is what we call it). I hope it won't be too long before you are home again with your OH.

    LINDY - there must be a lot to do before you go to Wales. I imagine that you will have to organise your pots and baskets since you said previously that there is nobody at hand to water for you. My eldest son in law will come in a couple of times to water mine, depending on the weather since I don't have any baskets. I know that they dry out very quickly.

    LYNETTE - good to hear from you and to read that Fathers Day meal went well. I had forgotten about your OH doing the cricket commentaries.

    I've started packing for my week away and only hope that the weather forecast is accurate for down there. Here it is quite cool and very windy, again. I was thinking out loud yesterday when with eldest daughter - about the amount of stuff I would have to take (sticky fingers, etc!) Daughter gave me an old fashioned look and reminded me that I wasn't going to be staying in a hotel and that there would be a washing machine in the house....I find it amusing when my children become my parents instead of the other way around!

    I've forgotten the title of the programme that DIBNLIB saw and that LINDY recorded. I'll scroll back.

  • Windy day here again. OH has just gone round to cut the top of the hedge next door. Two sisters live there, in their 60's. It is actually our hedge anyway, though I had forgotten that. 

    My brother is still having eye pain after 3 months. He said he can open his eye now, but it is still nipping and weepy. He has an appt at the eye hosp on Thursday.