Good evening, everybody.
Ann I very much enjoyed hearing about your adventures here & there, especially at Glaslyn. Glad that turned out well for you, as I expected it would.
As to Hellgate, it has a lovely clear cam picture and a setting which I like: 2 highways, a railroad with trains and a mountain range all running parallel across the top. I haven't logged in enough this year to be personally acquainted with the residents.
I am spending less of my computer time with osprey and more on Facebook. Just for fun, each day I am posting something from the world of art. Currently a bit of info about and pictures of Rookwood pottery, made in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Willow it is always good to hear from you. I miss chatting with you regularly and hearing about your garden, your neighbors sheep, etc. We are both here so seldom anymore that we usually miss each other by too much time to communicate very well.
I am particularly curious as to how your bee hives are coming along?
June, Thanks and I hope we can spend some time here in northwest Wales every year from now on.
A couple things which differ between Ospreys here and Ospreys in North America is that your Ospreys such as those at Hellgate (and Florida and on the East Coast, etc.) are far happier to nest closer to other Ospreys than those here and your Ospreys are also happier to nest nearer to human activity. I cannot think of any reason why that should be but I hope someone will suggest a few reasons!
Any ideas, Anyone?
Kind regards, Ann
from facebook
Ann I remember reading somewhere that there are actually different species of ospreys, with only slight differences but enough to be considered a difference species. Could be??
from Facebook
t his just poped up on my facebook. What a setting and excellent quality cam and viewing angle. Thought y'all might be interested. I haven't yet found a way to hook-up with permanent viewing .of this cam.
Out and About today with Opsreys
In the air in a few days.
Love the way the osprey is perched on the fragile pine tip. and yelling her head off. :)
From Facebook