Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 June 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and easy week! 

Grizzly Bear at Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Very quiet here this morn (except for my coughing). We are covered in heavy fog, planes grounded, still at 10.30. Normally I don’t notice the planes! Some international flights diverted to Melbourne, poor passengers, extra 1½ hours & wrong city.


    Heather – I cope with the twins (4 years old today) with compromise, bribery & corruption LOL. It may not work full time – I only see them 3-4 hours a week now. I allow them to choose when it doesn’t matter. “You find the books and I’ll read to you”. Meals “Which carrot will you eat first?” OK, you’ve chosen the beans. Whatever. Clothes “Which tshirt/leggings do you want today?” I save confrontations for major events. “It’s too cold for bathers today; you need thick pants”. If they are racing around like mad things, I declare that Gran needs to sit down and have “quiet time”, with them of course. Lately I seem (touch wood) to have won the battle to put MissL to bed for her pm nap. I hope this helps.

  • OG: Very pleased to hear you got a call from Dau#2 - one less thing nagging at you before you fall asleep at night. How are things between her and Daugh#1?

  • OG: I am also glad you had a nice talk with your daughter!!!

    Rosy: I forgot to answer your question to me. I haven't seen my deer friend for a few days. She's probably around. I just haven't been in the right place at the right time. I did see R. T. Hawk this morning. He was sitting in a tree by my garage looking for his breakfast. Hope things are going better for you. 

    Annette: I briefly saw an Arizona fire map on the news. I hope you're safe from the wildfires that seem to be breaking out all over the west.

    Heather: I hope you're feeling more rested.

    Have a good day, all.

  • ChrisyB: Nice to see you on here! Hope your life is going well!

  • The small cruise ship Serenissima is docked in Lerwick (Shetland) harbor. Thought someone might want to see it. Perhaps a better view on this cam.

  • OG- so good to read that your younger daughter has spoken with you.

    I'll be back later.

  • Good Morning. Muggy here last night, so neither of us slept well. Dry now, and grey clouds.

    AQ - Happy Birthday to the twins! How they grow! -- my two grandchildren will both be 4 in August and October (and Tomasz will be 8 in Dec!).  I agree about the negotiations with them, LOL!

    Diane - I'm miffed now, as I look in on Lerwick most days, since you pointed us towards the webcam some time ago. But not yesterday nor today! 

    Must get going as I'm later than usual.

  • Well, the download of updates from Microsoft seemed to take most of the night!  I went to bed and left it running, only to be greeted this morning by a load of questions which seemed to want me to sign most of my life and all of my privacy over to Microsoft!  I said 'no' to as much as I was allowed to.  I do worry about how much Microsoft - and others - know about me from what I look at or post online.  But there seems to be no way round it - you accept and play by their rules or you don't have access.  Grrrrrr …

    I'm so sorry - I seem to have 'flagged' Lindy's last post.  Don't know what I did .. apologies.

  • OG  Glad you have been able to chat with dau 2.

    What a treat this morning. We went to B&Q for chips. There were half a doz huge sacks displaying chips and atop of one there was a nesting Tern. She got up to stretch and we saw 3 eggs. She seemed quite relaxed and not disturbed by us and one of the gardners said she wasn't even bothered by the vehicles moving things around in the mornings. I wonder what will happen when the chicks hatch?. Will the male arrive and start diving at the customers?  

  • Pat - No worries.  I do it now and then, its easy!

    dibnlib -  Wonder if you'll ever find out what happened to the terns and their littlies?  (When you said "chips" my greedy self immediately thought that B&Q had begun to serve food also...)

    Warm here but not too hot:  we tidied up then went to see sis-in-law and sit in her garden and discuss various matters in the family. (one elderly member is now quite ill and we are not visiting her as it could be too much for her to try and entertain guests, instead I make constant inquiries). The subject came up of Awful Cousin and of course we are all chortling now, to think of the shock for her to find that sis-in-law has already left on holiday, and we two are about to go soon, when she finally arrives!

    I admired some new shelving that sis-in-law has had installed, to put her bits and bobs on, and I could see my OH starting to twitch and head out of the room in case I said that I wanted same, LOL!!  The carpenter she uses is excellent, and I have already said that I would like him to come and install some fitted wardrobes for us upstairs: when that will happen, goodness knows, meanwhile a lot of my clothes are draped around the bedroom and over the ornamental banisters! He seems to think that we should "manage", whatever that means! - well of course, it means not spending anything...

    We sat in the garden after lunch and I have not only finished my recent book lately, but read several thick magazines which were being kept because of their interesting articles. Now and then I rise from my chair and gather an armful of garden weeds, avoiding the odd nettle which seem to come up overnight and lay in wait for the unwary without gardening gloves on. There is definitely no sign now of the magpies on the clever nest which they built in our tree, but there are a lot of magpies sitting on our neighbours' roofs (rooves?) making awful cackling noises.

    Bonnie is bored but manages to avoid total boredom by chasing any unaware small bird which lands nearby, and finding bits of wood and plant stem which she then proceeds to chew up on the newly mown lawn, making it look untidy.