Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 May 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Mountain Goat

U. S. National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather: I've sent you a private message. (Don't want to talk politics here. LOL!)

  • Taken newsletter as far as I do on my own – last two pages involve data transfer which is easier with two, so we shall do it tomorrow afternoon instead of going out to a meeting! 

    So now for some quick replies (apologies if I miss anyone out).  Had a lovely day out yesterday – Reserve not as good as we had been led to believe, but it was so good just to be out in the countryside.  We were home late for the meal J was making, but we did phone to tell him we would be delayed by half an hour!

    Heather – your mention of looming mountains reminded me of when we visited Dau one October when she lived in Kinlochleven.  It was dreich weather, the bracken on the hills (the Mamores and the backside of Pap of Glencoe) was dying down, the coal-fired houses had their chimneys going full-blast  and the smoke gathered over the village and there was no sunshine, so the hills seemed to be moving ever closer – I felt quite claustrophobic!  I like my hills to be green or purple!  Re decking – I used to saty I would never had it, but we “inherited” it here and easier to replace with a new deck than make something different – but it is covered with tubs and pots.  No Ceanothus for me – have never liked them at all!  Have a good day in Elgin.  Can understand Son in Law’s dilemma about a work contract over the pond – but they have to make their decision together.

    Linda – your description of yesterday was lovely – you sounded so relaxed!  Pleased your OH and Bonnie have travelled over safely today!  Sorry the weather changed – no rain here, so more watering tonight!

    Annette – thanks for your latest photos – and now you are on your way again – maybe even arrived today!  I hope the bathroom project goes smoothly and all are happy with the results!

    AQ – that young family sure know how to have disasters!  I hope you Daughter is okay today with no after effects from the concussion.  I guess you would have been needed again today if she wasn’t able to cope, so no news is good news!

    Pat – have a wonderful, peaceful time away in June!  I have decided our church will only get a two-sided news sheet for July – nothing happens that month anyway!  Sorry you had rain – but today’s water rain will give extra light reflection on the Azaleas tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening everyone,

    A lot of news and pics from many  of you since I last posted.

    I can only remember backwards!

    I love ceanothus, but I like blue flowers, (or those that are meant to be blue).

    Definitely not blue roses.

    Glad you had a good day out yesterday OG.

    AQ , Your daughter does seem to have many disasters. Lucky her for having such a capable and helpful mother. Hope all is well today.

    Are you writing the book?

    Lindy,  Wonderful that you had a couple of peaceful days. Lovely to  be able to read a book with no distractions.  I expect you are pleased to be joined by OH and Bonnie now, though.

    Annette, I also enjoyed your travel photos. So much varied scenery in the US. I like

    the wide, open spaces as well.

    Hope your present journey is going well.

    Heather,  Enjoy you time with your daughter tomorrow. You deserve it after all that gardening.

    Diane,  Thank you for asking about problems.

    We have had a family bereavement, which has presented further problems.

    Also, our son loves living and working in the US, but sadly, all not going well with the family.

    I try to imagine where you live, by your descriptions. I love the way you describe the scenery and wildlife, but I think I would not like many of the critters! That snake sounds a little on the large side for me.

  • Good Morning.  Wet and grey here, today. 

    Wish I could say it was still peaceful here, Rosy. The peace has been well and truly shattered. Bonnie went crazy when she saw all the rabbits which are more evident as there aren't many visitors here at the moment. In the end, we had to draw all the curtains before 7.30pm so that she couldn't see them, before she would calm down. This morning, she escaped from my OH when he took her off the lead about half a mile from here, and she raced back to look for bunnies. Then she rolled in something fishy and dead on the beach, when he caught up with her. So he had to stand in the rain and wash her down before they both came in, this morning. When she got inside, she shook herself all over the furniture......

    Now she's looking out of the window again. Yesterday she scratched some of the glass.  I'm praying for some of our neighbours to arrive for the weekend to make it busier so that we can have a quieter time.

  • So sorry to hear that you've had a family bereavement, Rosy. It can upset the dynamics, and cause worry.

  • Good morning!  Weather is more of the same – and hotter earlier!  May get some showers later, so starting outside – if rain doesn’t happen, indoors won’t be done at all!

    Rosy – sorry about your bereavement and family difficulties; I hope all will be resolved soon.

    Linda – sorry that Bonnie is filled with Bunnie mania!  Our last Dog, Topsy, used to scratch the French windows of the house when she wanted to get at something outside!  Sorry about her love of rolling in fishiness too.  I hope plenty of people will turnup for the Bank Holiday weekend and give you a break from rabbits!

    Getting noisy here too.  Have had baby Starlings being fed – one poor parent trying to satisfy three greedy little beaks – but now some of the young are feeding themselves on the treats tray, so the raucous quarrelling has begun – only ceases when Jackdaw comes for his fill!  Poor Dopey the Woodpigeon (just one of four regulars) just doesn’t understand what is going on.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi, folks. I just thought I'd pop in here briefly. There's been a school shooting here in a suburb of Indianapolis. The tragedy is being covered in all the major media, and I wanted to assure you all that this did not affect my brother's kids or any of my friends' children (for which I am so grateful). It happened not too far from where I used to work. I'll come back and make replies later today.

  • How dreadful, Diane.  This sort of thing seems to be happening more and more in USA.  Glad you and your friends and family are all safe, but what a tragedy for those involved.

  • Diane I'm sorry to hear it, these things are happening far too often. How sad. But glad your friends and family are alright, as Pat says.

  • Just back home from Elgin.

    DIANE -  haven't yet seen the news but thank you for reassuring us all. I hope to be back later but if not, will be here tomorrow.