DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Tuesday, 15 May 2018

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  • moffer said:
    Two calling geese just flew over waking EJ from her slumber

    That will be what caused the little outburst :)

    I'm off now.  I leave EJ in your capable and caring hands ;-*

  • Have a good rest MC.  Team will no doubt assemble later.

  • EJ dozing in the sunshine, I like all of you wonder if new boy will bring a fish in today. I wonder how long she will stay on the nest.

  • Morning ALL - thanks for all the updates.  

    Such strange behaviour from this male!   A fish on Sunday, then he appeared yesterday morning for his usual paddle to an unwilling EJ.  Thereafter, no fish/defence and no sign of him this morning.  

    So will we see him today or has he gone off sulking and no fish for another week?  I sincerely hope not!

  • margaret T said:
    I wonder how long she will stay on the nest.

    Well, we know that she'll go for 8 days without a fish, devotedly sitting on the eggs. Her last fish was Sunday, which, fishless, takes us to next Monday. We then start to get into the hatching window, and my fear is we'll then start to see some starving chicks. As good as it was to see EJ get a fish 2 days ago, unless this becomes daily, especially when the eggs hatch (and several fish a day please), the chicks, us and the RSPB staff at Loch Garten are in for a torrid time. 

  • So right Korky. As was said earlier that fish could turn out to be the worst thing to have happened.

  • Mike B said:
    As was said earlier that fish could turn out to be the worst thing to have happened.

    Indeed Mike! Not something you hear a lot on these threads!!

  • Someone around just now - EJ calling

    It is the male !

    only stayed a few seconds and flew

  • Here's GJ no fish, and would you believe it, my recording failed :o((

  • Who was that?

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