DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Sunday, 13 May 2018

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  • I noticed EJ didn't give the fish bringer time to change their mind and maybe fly off with the fish again before she grabbed it!!!

  • Peter going to deal with the camera now.

    LG say EJ is in sight and feeding.

  • Trying said:

    I noticed EJ didn't give the fish bringer time to change their mind and maybe fly off with the fish again before she grabbed it!!!

    Assuming it IS George he should probably consider himself lucky he still has all his talons intact. Ravenous probably doesn't do justice to how she must have felt 10 minutes ago.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Oh my, brilliant news! I can't access LS, cam must be down. I'm so pleased that George has upped his game, hopefully he will continue to provide for EJ and this isn't a one off.

  • Why does the cam have to go down at such an important time!   I could scream!

    I am in two minds here - of course I am glad she has food but on the other hand this means that we could well see EJ sit for another week and then we are into hatching!

    I just hope that if it is this damn male then he has at last got his act together and having now brought in this one, that he continues - daily!

    But we await the cam coming up to see what he is doing!

  • !#!$!???%!!*!!!

    Words fail me........

  • Cam back with good sound...no interference noise

  •  HALLELUJAH FISH AT LAST, Phew that was not expected, I looked in on the nest about half an hour ago and thought, oh deary me, now the rain , that is all our girl needs. By time I caught up on the end of last night and today, we have a fish from George. This is great that she is feeding BUT now what, we are back to, what will happen? Maybe this is what he needed, him seeing her going away from the nest and he will look after her now, we know he can, so back to the waiting and watching. For now beautiful, wonderful, devoted EJ is eating.

    Sorry after all that excitement I forgot to say Good Morning all.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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