DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 12 May 2018

Our fretting resulted in a kind opinion from Jess Tomes yesterday, who reminded us about the opportunity to view nature through RSPB's "window". Amidst our collective restlessness, speculation ranged from whether George indeed recognized at least one of the eggs was not his, whether the eggs would bear healthy osprey, whether the eggs could be taken and hatched elsewhere (even moved to the LOCH ARKAIG nest where the resident pair suffered a loss of their eggs to a pine marten), to whether EJ's disinterest in mating affected George, to whether the nest might soon belong to another osprey than EJ, who many believe to be getting on in her years, to her apparent accelerated feather moult, and the nature of "crop dropping". Inevitably, we have come up with nothing better than Pandy's poem as we watch, and wait. It will be 7 days since EJ has had a meal. So maybe she will go fishing for herself this weekend.

Here was George on May 1st, as we were cheering him on with hearts full of hope. (Moffer's pic) And below that is the rainy scene now with EJ on the nest.  © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • scylla said:

    A sudden intrusion, EJ was very alarmed.  I need to replay.

    Oh dear, my ignorance exposed again!  I think this looks more like a duck (the head) than a goose, but it was one or the other and may not have been intentional.

    This snaps are in the video.

    The head and bill here:

  • Good morning VIV :)

    Good morning, PATILY :)

    Anyone ID the intruder?

  • Morning ALL - thanks for the updates. What a week this has been!

    Bringing forward a post from yesterday:

    scylla said:

    Excellent points. Why incubate 2 eggs that might not be his, then a third which may well be his, then feed her and then suddenly stop incubation and food provision? Scratching my head and trying in vain to come up with logical explanations. I so wish he was ringed so we would know his age and possibly breeding experience.

    I am still convinced that the "trouble" started when EJ suddenly stopped responding to his mating attempts.  She may have half-heartedly responded since then, but the damage was done.  They were simply out of sync due to EJ's much earlier start.

    CRinger - I think we are all scratching our heads :-)
    Scylla - I have always thought this point you observed interesting and was it not around this time that he arrived with a fish (piece) twice and EJ didn't get up for it!     I may be wrong, but I thought the regular fishing stopped after this too.
  • Karen W said:
    Scylla - I have always thought this point you observed interesting and was it not around this time that he arrived with a fish (piece) twice and EJ didn't get up for it!     I may be wrong, but I thought the regular fishing stopped after this too.

    Absolutely, Karen, it was one thing after the other.

  • Looking a bit bedraggled, but still determined.

  • Well... if I were a flower, I'd be dead-headed.  G'night folks.

  • Sleep well MC.

    I wonder if that Duck intruder was a female Goldeneye?

  • Karen W said:

    Morning ALL - thanks for the updates. What a week this has been!

    Bringing forward a post from yesterday:

    Excellent points. Why incubate 2 eggs that might not be his, then a third which may well be his, then feed her and then suddenly stop incubation and food provision? Scratching my head and trying in vain to come up with logical explanations. I so wish he was ringed so we would know his age and possibly breeding experience.

    I am still convinced that the "trouble" started when EJ suddenly stopped responding to his mating attempts.  She may have half-heartedly responded since then, but the damage was done.  They were simply out of sync due to EJ's much earlier start.

    CRinger - I think we are all scratching our heads :-)
    Scylla - I have always thought this point you observed interesting and was it not around this time that he arrived with a fish (piece) twice and EJ didn't get up for it!     I may be wrong, but I thought the regular fishing stopped after this too.

    I have stopped scratching my head. The more I think about Scylla's reasoning about 'the trouble' starting when EJ stopped responding to his mating attempts the more I want to do my world famous impression of Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady - 'By George, I think she's got it!'

    I posted yesterday about my admiration for the observations, posts and video captures of many on this site and how extremely valuable they were - I think this might be an extremely good example of their value.

    May I be allowed to suggest an extension to Scylla's observations and reasoning? We know that 'normally' mating ceases a few days after the laying of the third (or final egg). Is it possible that male Ospreys may be 'programmed' to mate with a female for X number of days to ensure that any eggs produced had been fertilised by them? If so, then while the female remains receptive to mating then the male will provide food and assist in incubation. If the female stops being receptive before the X days are up, then the male ceases to feed and share incubation as he cannot be certain that the eggs are not his and does not want to waste energy later in the season bringing up chicks which probably to do have his genes.

    I totally accept that the counter arguments to this theory are that other males have made sure that eggs they 'suspect' are not theirs do not survive by kicking them from the nest. However, other males have accepted eggs that certainly were not theirs and have fed both female and subsequently some other male Osprey's chicks.

    We know that Ospreys vary from individual to individual from their skills at fishing to their dislike (or lack of it) of other species of birds. Perhaps in males there are different (and possibly competing) strategies of dealing with 'are these my eggs or not' and the detailed observations, posts, discussions, captures of this nest have revealed a behaviour that I have not seen before and, in addition, theories of possible explanations for this behaviour.

    I doubt very much, unless the same behaviour is witnessed in the future or at other nests (which is certainly not a wish) that we will have the evidence to prove or disprove the programming for mating for X number or days. I welcome all and any thoughts and to be shot down in flames. I content myself again with some wonderful words which are not mine - thanks again Pandy....

    We know everything and yet nothing - Because ospreys keep their secrets

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Good Morning Hope it is okay to post on here. I have followed the Ospreys at Loch Garten for few years on and off until last year when I got 'hooked'and like everyone was devastated with the outcome. This year I have followed the forum and web cam since April - many times a day and hubby will say often 'are you on EJ again'?  I just wanted to post to thank you all for your dedication 24/7. I have learned so much about Ospreys on my time here and beginning to research some more. I love the poem and has been said we do not know what will happen. I also liked - was it George's post about animal lovers and nature lovers? I agree with him about who is the villain -  do we non vegetarians think about the cow as we tuck into our steak, or the fish, or the lovely lamb we oohed and aahed about in the fields as we eat our lamb and mint sauce. Maybe a cursory thought although if I had to do the deed I would be veggie.... nature can be cruel at times. The whole scenario at LG is intriguing and I am trying to stay positive. Enough from me - I can hear the pheasants in the garden looking for food and then back to have a look at the web cam.  Everything seems to happen when I'm not looking so great to get the videos when it does. When EJ faces the web cam I do speak to her - nuts I know!!! Have good day all.

  • EJ alarm chirps  .......flaps   .................flown briefly  ......back alarm chirping

    Morning all.