Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 May 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week! 

I chose this photo for the week for a reason. The last time I went to town for groceries and supplies, I stopped to take some items to my relative who broke her hip. I arrived home very late. I was unloading the car in the darkness, barely able to see with a torch (flashlight), and suddenly I heard a booming loud call, "Who cooks for you! Who cooks for you all!" That's the call of a Barred Owl! The sound was coming from a tall tree on my creek levee.

I was just about finished getting everything inside, when the bird called again. This time, he made his "monkey call." Barred Owls can make a wild series of calls that sound just like a big, loud primate. Seriously. Many years ago, we had a Barred Owl pair nesting on this patch, and my Mom swore we had a Bigfoot living in the woods! 

I was so happy to hear the big owl, and I hope he stays!

Barred Owl (Strix varia)
U.S. National Park Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • The day started out sunny but when I checked the UK weather radar site I saw a big load of weather heading our way. I hope that OG and EE manage shopping and lunch and stay dry!

    I've booked my flights to Birmingham, online, this morning. Daughter in law will be induced on 24th June if she hasn't delivered by then. I'm going on the 20th and returning home on the 27th. If the babe arrives before I get there, so be it! DiL has two sisters who live fairly near so she won't be stuck for someone to look after Sam and Bella.

    I can hear the gardener's machines outside so I'd better go and look out some money for him. He cuts the grass, back and front, every two weeks.

  • Goodness, didn't realise that the babe's arrival was so imminent, Heather.

    It turned into a lovely summery day here, and my OH who has just come home from his golf game, is helping me plant some things which are lurking in pots but really need putting into the border. I went to dig around in the deep freeze first thing today, and found amongst the meat, two plastic bottles of water which he had put in there ready to take with him today....

    Last evening we were tidying up after our meal when we heard some commotion in the conservatory.  My OH shouted "There's a bird trapped in here!" when he investigated.  He opened both of the doors wide ready for its exit whilst I ran in with cupped hands and managed to grab a small young sparrow which was hurling itself at the glass in a panic.  It was like getting hold of a piece of thistledown, or a big clump of cotton wool, it weighed nothing at all. As I grabbed it, I lifted up my arms and it threw itself out of the open window above and flew off - mission accomplished.

  • Morning all: In Seattle and catching a flight home this morning. Am SO looking forward to using my own shampoo and conditioner in my own shower!!  I see there's a lot to catch up on!

  • Spooky, ANNETTE - I was just thinking about you !!!

  • Nice to hear from you, Annette, and glad you're OK, although sounding rather shampoo challenged!

  • Good evening, All.  What a day!  Blood test was hilarious – Ashley got the needle in what seemed like the usual place and after a while she said “all I need is some blood” – nothing happening.  She withdrew the needle and then had to grab some cotton wool as it started!  And we had to wait for it to stop because she needed to go in with a fresh needle!  It then was fine.

    We set off from there and stopped for a drink and loo at the Old Toll Bar on the way to M&S.  OH seemed to rush around there, and I didn’t get to make any choices, just a very routine shop for the usual items.  We decided to try the lunch at the Café Stobart at the Stobart Rail offices; we had excellent sandwiches and it was very pleasant, but we discovered it is closing there next week, to reopen at the new Carlisle Airport which they run for freight, with LoganAir running passenger services within the UK and the Republic of Ireland.  So after four years of indecision, we are now too late to use it!

    There was a weather front approaching, and when we reached Asda, it was beginning to drip, and there was a heavy shower as we left.  It had stopped by the time we reached home.  J got on fine with his Optometrist who is making the final referral for his pre-op and the surgery, probably in July.

    I am very tired now, with sore legs having done too much yesterday – but I am still pleased with what I managed!

    Pleased to see that Annette is nearly home to enjoy her own shower – and bed!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning.  Hope that Annette reaches home alright, today, after her long travels.

    At least they got some blood out of you, OG! Shame about the restaurant closing.

    Been damp here in the night, but clearing up now. We're undecided about what to do with ourselves, but may go out this morning. 

  • As we've not heard more from AQ, maybe we have to assume that she has succumbed to the cold she brought back from her travels, as a souvenir!  Get well soon, AQ!

  • Noisy breakfast this morning. Blackbbirds trying to mob a crow in a tree in next doors garden. We think there must be a nest around. I went out and did the scarecrow thing. It worked.