DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 05 May 2018

As a very wise old woman (who is too modest to be named) said yesterday "Deep breath!  Let's see what today brings" ;-)

Probably the most beautiful female osprey in the world (compliments of Clare):

And the source of our discomfort, looking a little shamefaced, as well he might (compliments of Moffer):

Off we go !!!


The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

  • I am only here because a friend told me I had to read your post LMAC.

    I take it you are referring to me when you say I only want to see happy positive comments.

    Well that is not what I said.    It was that I didn't want to read nothing but negative posts.

    You see there are a lot of regular posters on the Daily Update who invest and lot of time and feelings in the well being of EJ, do you actually think that we don't realise that things are not going well at this moment in time.    

    What I am upset about is that you always turn up when something is not going well on a nest and continually post negative comments, it is all you ever do.   This goes back for years, during the Alba crisis you did it, also at Glaslyn last year, and even way back when bald eaglets were bullying each other at the Florida nests, you came on to this forum and gave a blow by blow account of the bullying, at that time you were told, yes we know it is happening, but we do not want to see every little detail posted about it on this forum.      

    I do know everything that you say above is probably true, but you seem to relish posting about the very sad part of nature, so that was why I said I didn't want to read the DU, and it was your posts in particular that I did not want to see.  

    I am gutted about what is happening right now, and am finding it very hard to watch EJ incubating and not getting fed, but what we don't need is you giving us a reality check, like we think everything is going well.   We know it's not and we don't need you to continually keep telling us it is not.  

  • I have deleted my comments which have offended you Mary and with apologies for doing so.I have have to say your stinging attack is probably best not served on a forum but that is fine.

    Apologies to those others that I have offended by honesty.I find whilst I am grateful to those who post I just want to read what is really happening as I am sure so do others. However point taken. Goidbye

  • I'm having probs with either my laptop or the site, or both at the moment, and have just managed to loose a rather long post.  Bother!

    The cam has dropped out twice for me - is it my laptop? - and although it is back I don't have sound.  I see that Moffer has spoken to Peter (thank you!) and I suspect he is on the case.

    A bright sunny day, EJ is on her eggs, ever watchful, being buffeted in the breeze, and she looks just fine at the moment.

    Lmac you have made some very pertinent points, backed with statistics, for which I thank you. 

    We all choose to be here, watching, and it is a privilege to be a voyeur on the good and the not-so-good times of of EJ.  We are all human, and have feelings for what we see, but it is nature we are choosing to watch and there isn't a rule book for that.  We have to take the good and the bad, and for the most part it is has been good, but this nest has had its bad years too and EJ has come thru.  She doesn't share our feelings, our angst, but just gets on with what she is given.  Most of us have our view of George.  Is he an immature, first time breeder, is he a two-timer with a nest he is servicing elsewhere..  We just don't know.  We do know that he can provide, but he doesn't keep it up.  He can defend, but isn't around all the time to help EJ.  He can bring in sticks, but not many although he is quite fond of 'clumps'!

    We also know that EJ is loyal.  She will not leave the nest for long.  It took her ages to actually fish for herself last year.

    The rest is in the lap of the gods, and perhaps Odin is looking down on her.

    Lmac, I hope you are not serious when you say you will "refrain from any further comment on this site".  You have contributed a lot, particularly with the stats which brings home the whole picture.  Please stay.  You may wish to change Lindybird, to Ladybird, though :)

    Dozing in the sunshine

    Waking up!

    Keeping guard

    Edit:  Oh dear, I see a lot has been said while I've been having problems here.  I do hope my post hasn't added fuel to the fire.  I can easily delete it if that is the case.  Words in print can so easily be taken the wrong way, when not said face to face.  We are all, I think, concerned one way or another, and chose to deal with it differently.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I am popping in and out, and the scene is more or less as I left it.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Sound is back. Thank you Peter and Chris.

  • sounds like the sound is back

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • She's back with a chirrup.

    She spotted two Crows lurking

    they fly  past behind the nest

  • 17.23..and back with a chirrup to her eggs, and settles

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I've been a long time mainly due to a mis-attributed tech prob and mental & technical editing probs :-/

    DAYCAM 04:13hr:

    To the second ;-D

    Intrusions started early:

    This is rather long but I wanted to show how little respite she had:

    Did she have a quick bathe to relieve the itching?

    One flying feather: