Link to last post on Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife - Galslyn Ospreys – April 2018
Summary of the season so far:
Mrs G arrived back 1 April and Aran on 5 April. The pair are currently incubating three eggs - #1 laid 19 April, #2 laid 22 April and #3 on 25 April and are due to hatch later this month.
I think? Mrs G incubating and a 'tail' just visible on the perch.
Birdies LG DU update.
Now Mrs.G is on the perch preening, and Aran incubating.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Looks peaceful Am I wrong, or are the corvids less in evidence this year?
@12:44, it looked peacefull, both birds there and all, but soon it appeared mrs G had a sharp eye on something...
Aran seemd not half as bothered, she was calling “go away” (no sound though)
and after the mrs was clear and loud, Aranflew off after whatever or whoever it was - or that is what it looked like. so much out of reach of our camview... mrs G back to the eggs.
she thought better of that and flew off?
back soon, so it was only a tiny break, for comfort and such i suppose ^^
2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!
while i was doing above post, there has been a change-over
no sign of inrrusions or corvids no more, it seems.
oh, and there is sound after all, it is just a very low volume. possible because of the winds? i imagine it could be a lot of noise, the way it seems to blow.
And time for a change-over
At least once a day one ought to experience the famous Snowdonian weather
I actually enjoyed this FB update of a Welsh telly item on Glaslyn and mrs G and Aran:
Good Morning All
Aran incubating, Mrs. G preening. This must be his shift lol.... seen him incubate last few mornings around this time.
When I first looked in I thought it was yesterdays photo! They do seem to have a morning routine!