Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! The April Full Moon is Sunday night. 

Moon photo credit: NASA
Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • At least that means you almost certainly aren't plagued by grey squirrels!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, Everyone.

    I was cold last night, and this morning, my OH says that there was frost on the car first thing!

  • It was minus 7 in Carrbridge last night,according to our local weatherman. Cold but sunny in Inverness.

  • No wonder everything around EJ looked frosty this morning.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather/Lindybird:  I'm leaving Thursday and not bothered by the "unseasonably cold and wet" weather.  It's not raining here today; chilly but I brought enough layers to be comfortable. We're going down to Kew Gardens Wednesday (sister has never been there) and then they're taking me to Heathrow where I'm staying the night before noon flight on Thursday to Chicago.  Have managed to do some serious resting here!!  Do wish they'd let me take the train to save everyone the drive, but they refuse to cooperate.  :-)

    Mulberry: Good to see you; not sure about your friend.  :-)

  • LINDY   We had a frost this morning.A beautiful day nevertheless. Was at Foodbank today and we did have a couple of needy people in.

  • A bright day here, now, but you still need a coat on!  Been for a walk alongside Llanberis Lake and saw some nesting swans. Bonnie went into some dirty ditches and then we encouraged her to take a dip in the lake to clean off, so now we have a very damp smelling dog beside me on the sofa!

  • Dibnlib:  I've been pleased to see that all of the leading supermarkets now collect for the Food Banks. 

    Annette - I've never been to Kew Gardens either, but it sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  • Mulberry – thanks for the Pine Marten and thanks for sharing on this thread; it looks rather plump and healthy!  How are you these days?

    Linda – no frost here, but a cool start and the breeze has kept it cool, although nicely sunny.

    Annette – you will love Kew Gardens – I didn’t want to leave when we went there – so much to see.  Enjoy your gradual journey home – forgotten how many modes of transport you were planning!

    Dibnlib – see you are volunteering at the Food Bank – much used around here!

    Been sewing trouser hems again after along break – only one pair now remaining.  Dinner nearly ready!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well the last time I was at Kew was in 1953 when I was seven years old! Believe it or not, I was put on a bus(coach) on my own. My mother asked a kind looking lady to keep an eye on me and so I travelled from Plymouth to London. My aunt collected me from the bus station. She took me to a lot of places, including Kew and 'Windser Castle'. I still have the postcard which I sent, with the inaccurate spelling of Windsor. Changed days, now!!

    Quiet day here. Eldest daughter and I went shopping. Tomorrow is hair cutting. On Friday I shall go to Elgin for the day.