DAILY UPDATE ~Loch Garten Nest~ Thursday 26 April 2018

Well, it certainly was another exciting day at the nest. While we are delighted that Junior is stepping up to the plate, we couldn't figure out how he been able to deliver two good sized fish within about half an hour. After much speculation about where he could have gone to fish and have time to catch and bring another, RSPB Loch Garten FB posted that an intruder male had brought the first trout (BNN's video), just before the 2nd delivery by Junior! Junior's looked much better, too, and she looked like she wanted to take it off him. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

The events surrounding the two fish an intruder are still unclear. Then of course there were the subsequent "trout variety" discussions: Blue trout, sea trout, brown trout or rainbow trout??? It is a mystery to me, though whatever the first one was, it did seem like a tough tear for EJ.

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  • scylla said:
    Green eyes !!!

    Everyone seems to have green eyes on this cam, but I must say, your caps make him look like a ringer!

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  • Lynn L said:

    Me again, been thinking, what about Lochan (Little Lake) or Glen, been looking at the trees but willow and Rowan taken and others not suitable. Looked at Whiskey's but nothing jumps out.

    Definitely not whiskey, with an 'e'!! That's Irish, rather than a Scottish malt!  :)

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Possibly name him after one of the mountains or loch near by

  • Cathy said:

    Sheila, has there ever been a Garten, apparently, it's German, many meanings, but one is keeper of a deer enclosure.

    I see that others have already responded to your query, but here a resume of EJ and Odin's partnership from 2009. Copying and pasting from my doc doesn't work very neatly, sorry.

    2008       Nethy    White AY(08) f

                    Deshar   White AZ(08) m


    2009       Rothes           White PJ(09) f/m

                    Mallachie      White PM(09) f           

                    Garten            White PH(09) f


    2010        None was ringed - extremely windy


    2011        Tore                 Blue 48(11) f

                    Bynack            Blue 37(11) m


    2012        Caledonia        Blue AA1(12) f               ring upside down

                    Alba                Blue AA2(12) f


     2013        Oighrig            CF5(13) m

                    Breagha          CF4(13) m


    2014        Millicent          Blue AN0(14) f

                    Seasca             Blue AN9(14) f

                    Druie               Blue AN8(14) f?


    2015        Failed nest   Intrusions, snow, Odin missing for four days. (6-10 May), more intrusions

                                            Odin and EJ remained together in the nest area


    2016        Rowan             Blue PP0(15) m

                    Willow            Blue AF0(15) m

                                            Unhatched egg removed from the nest, at ringing.


    2017        Nest failed       Odin went missing as eggs hatched: last seen Thursday 18 May at 13.20hrs

                                            Chicks died.

                                            Intruders: Unringed; Blue FC5 m, Blue CT6(14) f; Blue HS8(14) f

                                            EJ remained at the nest

    Let's hope they can add more chicks to the list in 2018


    Very tired!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Update from Alison on FB, who has given permission for us to share her posts:

    "I was on duty this evening in the forward hide and the male came to the nest about three times.  He tends to just appear from nowhere on the nest so we have no idea where he has come from. There are so many trees around, he can easily slip in from the back without us seeing him!! He took away the fish tail and flew to a dead tree stump down the front of the nest where EJ couldn't see him and ate it! He was perched on the camera tree for a short time, tried to mate with EJ a couple of times which she wasn't too impressed about, and the rest of the time was not visible. He flies off out of view and then we have no idea where he goes."

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thank you, SHEILA and ALISON :)

    I can't do a new DU but will do a catchup in this slot if necessary when I wake up :)


  • *****
    New DU APRIL 27 2018

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