Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Prairie Dog
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • HEATHER - I somehow missed the news that your S-I-L was going to New Orleans - How long will he be away from home?  I already fell asleep once this morning after a cup of coffee - only a few minutes I think.  Rain has stopped - wasn't much but garden looks happy for it!  Been watching one of the local Woodpigeons who seems to be nesting in quite a low tree across the road - only about ten feet off the ground!  It is next to a very tall Laylandii hedge, and he enters by landing on the top of the hedge and walking in his "front door!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- SiL will be away for a couple of weeks, at least, we think. There can never be a firm time (he isn't on a rota system), everything depends on how the job goes.

  • That must be quite unsettling for the children - although I suppose they are used to it, and he has to go where the work is!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather B said:
    The Jack Russell next door didn't like me working close to the boundary fence. He barked non stop and kept throwing himself against the fence. If he is outside, there is no such thing here as a peaceful gardening day.

    Funnily enough I don't like Jack Russells at all.  I've yet to meet a friendly one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Yes OG, the girls are used to it. He keeps in touch as much as possible, depending on what the internet is like, where he is!

  • Glad the sycamore tree is not going to be such a nuisance, Heather.  Young people do travel a lot these days: a fortnight ago, our Eldest spent several days in Amsterdam on a course, and on the day he returned home, his wife left for a week in Washington, USA - they didn't see each other for nearly a fortnight!

    I've had a lazy day - after some time online at lunchtime, I sat down to do some reading, then found I'd been asleep for nearly two hours! My OH said he didn't disturb me as he thought maybe I needed it!  - I am getting better now but have had a few horrible days where I've not been able to taste anything properly, have felt weary and have been deaf from all the stuff in my head. Ho hum, it can only improve now.

    We had some rain earlier, but not a lot to water the garden. 

  • It was a nasty virus that you had, LINDY. Post viral fatigue is so exhausting. My youngest is still not 100% after two weeks plus.

  • We had a lovely lunch with the family and SD was looking good if somewhat tired, still loved her birthday present. She has taken to complicated Lego to relieve her boredom! She will be busy with this Austin Mini – only 1077 parts!!!!

    We have been to this restaurant and it makes a wicked Chicken Caesar salad as a main and it kicks all the others I have had into touch.

    Only downside was the final run into Cheltenham with dreadful traffic queues. It turned out to be a giant construction crane taking up half the carriageway hence 4 way traffic lights . This on the busiest road into the town! We used another longer route out which was a lot quicker.

  • Glad that you had a good lunch, FORESTBOAR!

  • Thought about you at lunchtime, ForestBoar!   - I suppose you were just unlucky with the traffic; they often move difficult loads on a Sunday.

    It's gone much colder here this evening, so I suppose that's the end of the warm spring weather. 

    Watched a bit of the London Marathon, which was on the hottest day ever for this event. I hope there are no fatalities reported.  Lots of heartwarming stories of ordinary people, trying hard to make a difference.