Daily Update ~Loch Garten Nest~ Tuesday, 17 April 2018

  • Back again! Hey mate, she's not your booty call. You have to feed her!

    He helicoptered up

    and back for some more

  • Hi guys I’ve been lurking intermittently all weekend and now on my break between shifts. Seems everyone is a little confused/surprised at this current turn of events - so - matey boy sat sitting with pure Lady EJ he looks as though he hasn’t had lunch yet supposing he’ll go get his lunch at some point and hopefully will bring some back for EJ cos from what I’ve seen/read it looks like she has had very little to eat at all in the last couple of days??   She seems to be holding out for something, surely if she was really hungry she’d go get her own fish?? Maybe she does like one of these two fellas, I don’t understand why she would just sit there if not, unless CT6 is in fact still lurking about??  I’ll keep peeking at email alert and reading from my phone to keep up to date with all the shenanigans and do my best to care for my oldies with everything crossed. Actually have two or thee of my oldies very keen to learn more of the EJ saga so I am able to get sneak peeks whilst at work ;)


  • I refreshed after the latest outage and got 16:9 screen view !!!

    Had to write and thank Peter before posting the good news here ;)

  • Cam woke back uo to this view

  • There is now no sound coming from the Loch Garten Webcam on my iPad. Is anyone else having this problem?



  • EJ's been on and off the nest, and is now back.

    I have to go for a while, so I'll leave things with you Scylla. BBL

  • Good day to everyone, ( Same here no sound ).
  • There's a YouTube Live Stream message now appeared on Carnyx LG screen. Had to stop and start again to get working.

    EJ back on nest but very breezy so not good for fishing...  (no sound for me either)

  • Thanks for all the reporting so far today....some excellent pictures and vids to tell the story. Thanks Moffer, Scylla and many others.

    I didn't eggxpect to look on this scenario...that we have here presently!!

    No sound here too.

    It is not at all unfeasible sound has been muted at LG end to save on bandwidth needed to send the data from LG.

    Just offering that up as a possibility.

  • Unknown said:

    There is now no sound coming from the Loch Garten Webcam on my iPad. Is anyone else having this problem?

    No sound on Windows10 either, Thomo - we've had almost no sound for some time but now we haven't even got the generator.

    EJ has been taking fly-breaks.