Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Clare: I'm so very sorry about Limpy's diagnosis.

Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good morning.  Has been wet, drier now but more wet later.  Hope that will be after our annual “check-up” at the bank this afternoon.  J gone to work, and OH already out shopping this morning.  Good to see the fresh green leaves on the willow tree at last, and the pots of Snakes Head Fritillaries in full bloom on the deck.

    Diane – thanks for the new week – and that lovely card for Clare and Limpy.

    Annette – sounds a very useful Sunday morning in your garden, however sinful.  Some spreading plants just have to be reminded where they are allowed to go!  What is the name for “Gilet” over the pond?  The padded ones used to be called “Bodywarmers” here but became gilets when they became a fashion item!

    Linda – loved the garden poem!  Great Tea Flask Mystery was also entertaining, but not so good for your poor OH with the scalded hand!  Sorry about the indigestion – uncomfortable for you. 

    Clare – don’t know what EJ is up to – do you think she has been visiting her old flame – not unknown in her history?

    Well, I need to tidy up a bit – was sitting here when OH went out, shouldn’t still be here when he returns!  Nearly forgot to say – Sparrow Hawk visited yesterday – one less male Blackbird around now. 

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    Clare – don’t know what EJ is up to – do you think she has been visiting her old flame – not unknown in her history?

    She was last heard encouraging him to get her a nice fish.  They have both flown now.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sorry to hear about the Blackbird, OG.    I love their song.

    Sunny here, but very breezy. Been for a walk farther up the coast. Bonnie got black, paddling in a deep ditch, but my OH put her in the sea before we got back in the car. The gorse is lovely everywhere, and there are lambs in the fields of various ages, saw some yesterday which were really tiny. Now I'm throwing things into boxes ready to go home after lunch. Have been writing "Bring next Time" lists and also "Jobs needing Doing".

    I have my OHs cold properly now but it's just one of those nose wiping affairs, so hope it will soon go.

  • Hope the cold makes a full disappearance very soon, LINDA - and safe journey home.  I agree about the gorse and the lambs - I expect the southerners wonder why we are talking about lambs so late, since they start much earlier in winter - but ours (and many Welsh) are hill sheep: put them to the tups on bonfire night and expect lambs from April Fools onwards!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all - and thanks to DIANE!

    LINDY - hope that you feel better soon and that the cold doesn't get any worse. Good that the flask episode didn't cause any major problems. Your OH may not be as keen, another time, to investigate!

    DIBNLIB - As you and others have said, your cousin had suffered enough and her husband will be happy in a lot of ways that she has gone to her rest.

    ANNETTE - I too have plants that have outgrown their allotted space. It seems to me that the minute my back is turned everything goes crazy. Especially weeds....

    I laughed about the bodywarmer/gilet thing. I remember when they got 'posh'. My son's late ma in law refused to countenance the word 'gilet', especially when said the French way!

    The party here on Saturday was a success, no thanks to me! I was embarrassed by the gifts of flowers and wine that were presented to me by guests, since all I did was the smoked salmon pate and melba toast! All three daughters were working  - I just stood around and tried to make small talk. Not usually a problem for me (!) but I was still tired from travelling all day on Thursday.

    Regards to ALL

  • Glad Saturday went so well, HEATHER, and enjoy the gifts you receive - you made yourself and your house available, and I am sure you were also a great encouragement to the girls who were busy.  Gilets were recommended to me by DIBNLIB, who has several; I have three - all the padded type but very light to wear - and they co-ordinate with most of my tops - love them.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • PS - the appetite of these Goldfinches is keeping us amused - four regulars feeding almost continuously on nyger and on seed, with others visiting - so pretty flitting about in the sunshine.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just came across this lovely story on the Community.  Highly recommended!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We are back home, after a reasonable journey,  which was initially delayed by seeing some neighbours arrive just as we were going, and having a whole winters worth of news to catch up on!

  • Evening all:  

    OG: I had to check to see what gilets are called here. According to L.L.Bean's and Lands End's catalogs (two outdoor outfitters) they're called vests!  I have one but I call it a jacket or, more likely, "my down thingy."  We also had a predator in the garden yesterday. All the little birds were busy at the fountain and the feeders and I was just sitting watching when they all took off as our Cooper's Hawk flew through the garden, did an abrupt u-turn and perched on a power cable for just a few seconds before zooming into the orange tree and exiting with a hapless little bird in its talons.  :-(  My OH surmises that the current "low profile" that the usual birds are keeping is the result of the hawk's increased presence (due to newborns in its nest?).

    Lindybird: Nice to hear about the lambs, but take care of that cold.

    Heather: I bet your family is thrilled that your house is available for large gatherings.  Enjoy the flowers (and the wine!).

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.