Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Clare: I'm so very sorry about Limpy's diagnosis.

Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all:

    Diane: I came on at 4:09 but you'd already got ahead of me. Thank you again.   Have you been hit by any of that ghastly weather?

    Heather: It's gone 3 am your time, so assume the party is over and you're fast asleep!

    OG:  I'm assuming low stocks are a result of longterm overfishing - and that there's some  hope the stocks will increase over (a long) time?

    Lindybird: Happy Anniversary.  "Recurrent gravy"??? Was that red currant or did the waitstaff keep refilling  your OH's gravy?  :-))   Did you ever get seated at your tabled or did you eat in the bar?

    Did a lot of work (but paced myself) in the garden. Still, it beats waiting until it gets hotter. . Will tackle more in the morning.  Looks like I'll be away when our wonderful Cecile Brunner rose bursts into bloom.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Annette: I'm so glad that you will get to see your sister and family. Wonderful news. I hope you have a good time. To answer your question: I had thunderstorms with heavy rains and wind. It's predicted to get cold again by Monday and snow.

    Forestboar: I'm so sorry about your bad news. 

    Heather: I hope you enjoyed your time with all the family.

    I hope Rosy's situation is improving.

  • Good Morning, All.  Just surfaced after a lazy lay in.  Thank You to Diane for starting us off and for the lovely picture.

  • Annette - LOL!  I see now that I put recurrent gravy, also that I didn't describe it all very well.  We were given a small table in an alcove just off the bar (where a couple of men were talking very loudly!) and we think it was because someone had lingered at the table we should have had, so they didn't know what to do with us. We missed out on the ambience of being in the main dining area, but were still looking forward to our meal which was indeed, beautifully cooked. Then they must have forgotten us!!  The waiter who came to apologise positively grovelled, but it didn't make up for a rather spoilt evening. We made the best of it, but may not go there again!

  • LINDA - belated Anniversary wishes - enjoy the rest of your weekend away!  Not good that the meal took so long, I wouldn't have stayed that late - I would have got up and put my coat on ready to leave!

    Dry morning, so I actually managed to go to church.  Afternoon is still trying to decide - and certainly cold after yesterday.  OH will plant the remaining potatoes if it doesn't rain, but I shan't try sitting outside.  I'll probably start on typing up some church newsletter material which I received this morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindy: I honestly thought that "recurrent gravy" was a very polite British way of saying that the gravy makes a person burp. LOL LOL!!!

    Happy belated anniversary!

  • LINDY   Very Happy Anniversary.

    It has been another wonderful day here, with plenty of sun.

    My dear cousin died yesterday evening. Her husband phoned us to say he felt huge relief having watched the dreadful suffering she had endured for so long.

  • Dibnlib:  Our condolences on the loss of your cousin. It does indeed sound like a release for both her and her husband. 

    Thank you for your good wishes, and everyone else who wished us a Happy Anniversary. I gave my OH a card which showed a man and woman, side by side on their bathroom weighing scales -- they are scratching their heads in dismay and inside the card it says "We've shared everything through thick and thin!"

  • We've had real Spring weather, here. One minute, bright sunshine, then gentle rain, then sun again in ten minutes. Just now it was managing to do both, with lovely sun but pouring down with rain at the same time!

    Went to our favourite garden centre for coffees, and came out with a rude birthday card for our Eldest, two packets of pea seeds, and a tray of sweet peas ready to plant out. Tried to have forty winks after lunch, but Bonnie barked because someone else went by our window with two dogs.....

  • Rain waited until OH finished planting the potatoes, so that was good.

    DIBNLIB - Your cousin's OH has been a rock through all her illnesses, and I am sure she will be much missed in the family, but good that she doesn't have to suffer any more.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!