
    I have already stated my opinion that I do hope he will be given a name that is completely his own and NOT something relating to Odin.  Much as I love Odin, this new male deserves his own unique name.  And so does Odin, for that matter. What do you think.?

    In the meantime, I probably  most often will just refer to him as our new male.  I could say EJ's new male, but she doesn't seem to be claiming him, does she?  Again,  what do you think? 

    KEITH, you have a great deal of experience of watching osprey and a great deal of accumulated knowledge.  What do you make of this strange situation.? 

  •  Interesting lighting I thought.  Would be much more interesting if a couple of ospreys would show up, especially one certain female osprey named EJ'

  • Unknown said:


    I have already stated my opinion that I do hope he will be given a name that is completely his own and NOT something relating to Odin.  Much as I love Odin, this new male deserves his own unique name.  And so does Odin, for that matter. What do you think.?

    In the meantime, I probably  most often will just refer to him as our new male.  I could say EJ's new male, but she doesn't seem to be claiming him, does she?  Again,  what do you think? 

    KEITH, you have a great deal of experience of watching osprey and a great deal of accumulated knowledge.  What do you make of this strange situation.? 

    Particularly I don’t think the situation between the newly arrived male is strange. At present just watching and waiting to see how it develops. This nest has been unstable for a few years now and two years ago I reported it could remain unstable for a few years. I still think this and even if we have a successful nest this year soon it may be a lone male looking to attract a female.

    Regarding naming. Not interested but will understand reasoning if LG wish to name any resident bird. As I posted before let’s not get hasty two hours after first sighting these may or may not be a pairing.

  • June. When you awaken instead of seeing an empty nest you may see EJ. She has been back on the nest disposing of the material the male brought in to nest. So maybe he has gone and she is having a clear out.

  • It is now 11:54 here in Ohio, same time as Keith's post, but now late afternoon in Scotland, only a few hours until the ospreys go to roost.

    Again I find only an empty nest, same as it has been for me since before the male arrived. But I have hd time this AM to do some checking up and I see that EJ has returned to the nest, but it is thought that the new male may have left  No wonder after the cold reception he got. Keith had warned us this was a definite possibility.

  • Back to the nest, off to Facebook, back to the nest.  Still nothing there except grass and wind.

    So what do I think? I don't know WHAT I think.  I think that might be called "just flabbergasted".  On this osprey roller coaster I don't know if we are going up or going down or just on a straitaway. I didn't know Rolly coasters even had strait-a-ways.

  • I suppose all that's going on just shows the complexity of Ospreys. EJ is a very beautiful Osprey but also seems a rather complex character. If only Ospreys could write. Her autobiography would be an amazing read.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • On another thread I suggested that EJ, being EJ, might well have been scoping out the neighbourhood, just to see what else might be on offer!  She was not averse to a bit of hanky panky on the side while waiting for Odin.  Or, considering that some Ospreys leave both partner and nest site after a failed season, she may be thinking of searching for a new nest.  I hope that she stays at the LG nest, but she hasn't asked for my advice!  We can only wait and see what happens next.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I was wondering that Gardenbirder, it crossed my mind, that she may be looking at another nest.

  • To be honest the only reason I can imagine EJ looking at another nest, is if she wanted to move into another male's nest, if his regular mate hadn't made it back yet. I remember who her behaviour changed after her fling with Blue XD in 2012. Even so far as heading off to Blue XD and Green J's nest. However, I believe because she returned to the LG nest that season and raised two chicks with Odin, tells me that she realises the huge investment that she's made on the LG nest since all the way back in 2004.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.