• OH WOW!!!! Of course I am very excited.AND grateful!!  Funny (strange)  thing, though.  I have checked the cam frequently over the last 24 hours and have seen only an empty nest or EJ ALONE.  I checked the nest before and after I read your post, only to find an empty nest.

    See my last post made this a.m.

  •            do we have any ID?   I need to go to DU for news.

  • Sounds PERFECT from your description.  Couldn't ask for better.

  • In my visit to DU, all I found is that names are being discussed.  This is not Odin.  In my opinion, he deserves a name of his own, NOT some take-off in imitation of Odin's name.  Any and all thinking on this matter is of interest here and is to be respected.  What do you think?  Any suggestions.??

  • Personally I would not be too hasty in providing names. Dyfi in 2013 named any female landing on the nest and they all cleared off.

  • I see your point, but this guy seems pretty well settled in.  But I still have seen nothing But an empty nest since your announcement.  And it all seems almost too good to be true, like a fairy tale wish that isn't realy real.

  • Unknown said:

    Personally I would not be too hasty in providing names. Dyfi in 2013 named any female landing on the nest and they all cleared off.

    But didn't Serin reappear at Clywedog, and named Dyleth, before they realised it was the same female?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Just had a thought. I wonder if EJ 'knows' the new male from the wider Abernethy area. Fishing places perhaps? It's probably because they seem quite settled together I'm thinking that. Due to him being unringed there's the obvious mystery about his past, so he could have spent his earliest northern summers without a nest, or perhaps he lost one (no shame because this happened to a young EJ, many years ago.) He certainly looks like a strong Osprey.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Heron77, as I said a few posts back I often wonder what they think, feel, know.  WHETHER they have any emotions at all resembling love, devotion, anger, sorrow, jealousy. Many would say absolutely not.  I'm not so sure.  I of course have no scientific evidence, but it did seem to me that Odin's behavior changed toward EJ following her affair with their neighbor.

        Yes, the last several days as EJ stood in her waiting position on the nest, I wondered if she had any "thoughts" or "feelings" or any memories at all about Odin,   if she had any feelings that he would not return.  Of course, I can only wonder, we'll never know.

         This whole spring has been much more "settled" so far than I expected.  Yes, it is quite possible that the new male has been around and was "known" to EJ.  Or maybe EJ was waiting for a male, a single male showed up and with no decision to be made she accepted him and that was that.  Whatever, I do hope that peace continues.

  • I too sometimes wonder if Ospreys have feelings. Perhaps these are purely based on territorial matters, migration routes, fish etc. Then again who are we to know. Instinct is such a powerful thing in these mighty raptors. For all the great scientific knowledge gained regarding Ospreys, there's also still a lot of mystery. For me that's part of the appeal.

    Really hope this year turns out to be a lot more peaceful than the 2017 season. If the new male at LG has the same level of aggressive fury towards any potential intruders as EJ, I get the feeling things will be fine.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.