I have only recently heard of this technique and so was very interested in your experience and impressions.
Of the songs listed Pretty Woman is a general favorite, as is Blue Bayou but by Linda Ronstadt.
Hey! a real live osprey on the nest! Quick, June, get a capture quick before he flies away.
I assumed this was the new male. After watching EJ almost daily for 10 years, I still cannot ID her by sight. But this bird just did not look like her. In this picture we get a clear view of the legs and there are no rings. But I was only able to take time to determine that from the pictures after he had flown.
Here I thought he was lifting his wings readying for flight, but no, just moving about.
He is still here and I am able to get a nice head-on view.
But when I come back his time he is gone and so back to an empty nest.
They are saying on DU that this IS NOT he first new Male, but a second one.
He's back! Well, somebody is. I'll leave it up to the DU people to decide if this is new male #1 or new male #2. He's gone already, but I saw him on the nes long enough to get a couple of nice shots.
Hi june got this not sure who it is
almost 12 hours later and again I found an osprey on the nest. I thought it was EJ and that is confirmed on DU.