Osprey Chat thread for APRIL 2018

We're still in "bring it on!" mode, as Clare introduced March's thread - because so many of our birds have been delayed by "weather".  Well, I sure do hope that's why they're not here :o

  • Cathy, Thanks for your report.  Was this your first visit?  I agree that Rutland Water is a fabulous place and the staff and volunteers are welcoming and helpful.  I think the first time we visited the Waderscrape hide we walked from the Lyndon Centre to the hide in pouring rain but it was definitely worth the trip and we have been back several times since, before and/or after Birdfair.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Yes Ann, our first visit, we would definitely go again.

  • Cathy, Did you have a chance to visit the Egleton Centre as well as the Lyndon Centre?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Clare Bailey said:
    .......... though the only bird I'm actually worried about is Mrs G.
    Worry no more Clare, she is back. Ian
  • Ian S said:
    .......... though the only bird I'm actually worried about is Mrs G.

    Worry no more Clare, she is back. Ian

    [/quote]Fantastic news!  Thanks for that.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Poor old  Blue 24 had just moved in when the bailiffs arrived. 

  • I'm kind of pleased about that as it hikes up her chances of catching up with the male she was lurking with last year.  I hope he makes it back.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Glad you had a lovely trip Cathy, all of those reserves are just too far away for me as I am up at the very top of Scotland. Maybe once a year we could make a weeks holiday and pick one! That is why is great to be able to read and see photos from others and learn what each has to offer.

    Cathy, to post photos it is quite easy, you have to copy them to where you want to pick them up. In the reply box, bottom left, hit use rich formatting, then on the blue bar, the 9th icon across, hit the little TV screen, a box comes up, hit the word browse and up will come the place/s you have stored your photos, pick which one you want to show, it will now appear in the bigger box, you may have to change the numbers in the dimension box to make it fit, each time you put numbers in both boxes you will see your photo change, anything between 300-500 depending on what the photo is, hit insert and it will now be in you post. You can add any writing you want then hit post. 

    I managed this with instructions from someone, so good luck.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Yes Ann, we did go round to Egleton, a totally different outlook to Manton, plenty of wildfowl & excellent educational facilities. I don't think you can appreciate the size of Rutland Water, with it may sections/lagoons. They have artificial sand Martin bank, which, I imagine will be a hive of activity shortly.

    On saying all this, there were many species of wildfowl while we observed the Ospreys, plus Muntjac's in front of the hind.

  • Thanks Catlady, I would think you will have a few natural nests up in the North, but you nearest with a VC will be LG.

    One day, I may try posting pics, I don't know how to do screen shots. I'll have to try and find some time to try and learn these things.