WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, MARCH 25 2018

Evening all:  Good turnout at the march today, although here in California (and especially Santa Barbara) protesters are mostly preaching to the choir.  We heard short but good speeches from some young people and teachers from local schools and colleges.  It's great to see young people so energized. Those kids from the Florida high school have really started something.  Lots of calls for voting preregistration as many of them will vote for the first time in 2020.

Lindybird: Hope the baby pigeons survive this year.

Clare: Some beautiful markings on that bird. Congrats on finally spotting it.

Very springlike here today; must get into the garden tomorrow: The weeds are feeling entirely too self-confident and I have some salvia to plant while the soil is still nice and damp.

Hope things are better with Forestboar.....  Also that OG has a good ride back from the festivities.

Take care everyone.

  • Oh LINDY. This is really bad news! Just when you thought you were safe...

  • LINDA - commiserations over your plans again.  I hope you did finally secure the apartment you chose for spring 2019.  And as for You-Know-Who visit - beyond belief!  Even I read it with swearywords in my head!

    Lovely Grandson has sent me a link to all the photographers pics of the wedding!  His Mum was there (Dau#2) at the church and in photos (but not at reception).  Still don't know whether she and her sister spoke to each other!  His bride looks delightful.

    Busy evening getting on with the church newsletter together - I had almost finished compiling it, but it takes two to enter some information.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Going to start listening to the book that DIANE mentioned.

    AQ- what does rag shop mean? Is it a clothes shop or a charity shop? Good that Autumn is coming. Family in NZ are still having nice days at the coast (Bay of Plenty).

  • Heather - I meant a clothing shop. New clothes for me! I rarely buy as I expect my clothes to last for years!

  • Heather: I hope you enjoy the podcast. I haven't listened to it yet. Have a nice Easter with your family.

    Clare: Congratulations on your daughter's 18th birthday! Your recent buzzard pics were FABULOUS!

    OG: I'm glad you finally got to see the photos of the wedding. I'm so very sorry you couldn't attend. 

    AQ: I'm glad you enjoyed your recent bus trip! 

    Annette: I know exactly what you mean about the laptop. When I bought my current PC, I thought I would never get all the adware and unwanted stuff off of it. 

    George: Nice to see you!

    Forest Boar: I'm glad your SD has been released from the hospital. My best wishes to her. 

    Lynette: I hope you're feeling better. 

    Lindy: I hope all your travel arrangements are now successfully made. Glad your OH was finally able to get the grass mowed. This is how we mow the grass in Indiana. LOL LOL! 

  • Hi, all. 

    Last Saturday, I got a foot of snow and high winds from Winter Storm Uma. The lower branches of the pine tree where R.T. Hawk and his mate roost were so laden with heavy snow that they were bowing onto the ground. On Sunday, I saw R.T., his mate, and a third red-tailed hawk soaring in the sky above the tree. I think they were checking to make sure that it wasn't damaged in the blizzard! I don't know who the third hawk was. They were all peaceful, so I assume it was one of last year's offspring.

    The snow has melted, but it's been raining and raining...and raining. I may have to build an ark. A local roofer was supposed to arrive today to do some initial work on my roof, but the rain forced cancellation. Sigh... Rescheduled for Friday. 

  • Hi all:

    Lindybird:  Tx for reminding me about EJ's suitors.  Have you booked the new apartment for the three weeks or just the two.  I bet your OH will really enjoy it.  Oh crikey!  That's AWFUL about pesky cousin. I was wondering if someone on this side of the pond was anxious to send her away to visit her UK family.  I wonder if she deliberately didn't bring it up to you for fear of being politely put off.  My OH is like a deer caught in the headlights when something like this comes up.   :-(

    Heather: Oh right, it's Easter. I can't keep up with anything these days.  Sounds like another lovely gathering for you.   I also assumed "rag" shop was a charity shop Down Under; thanks for c;larifying with AQ.

    OG:  Lovely grandson sounds like a sweetie, sending you links to the photos.  You probably don't want to ask him how his Mom and Aunt got on....

    Diane:   Oh that's a RIOT with that guy mowing the snow.  :-)) The other exasperation with the laptop is that the new programs all have defaults I don't necessarily want or need.  The really annoying thing - and which I don't have time to sort out - is that the new MS Outlook's Calendar doesn't easily allow you to assign color categories to different kinds of appointments.  It has something to do with IMAP or POP or whatever  accounts and Microsoft's alleged "help" pages assume I know what the heck they are and why it matters.  I'm saving more futzing about until things quieten down.      Re local birds, it was really busy in our garden today. I was taking a break outside and eating lunch and was buzzed by multiple hummingbirds (the iridescent copper-colored ones are back for the the summer and the overwintering Anna's Hummingbirds aren't impressed); the Acorn Woodpecker extended family was busy checking on food supplies (I assume) stashed in the telephone pole, and - great treat! - the first Hooded Oriole of the season, brilliant orange and black, made its spectacular appearance.

    Anyway, condolences again to Lindybird....  What a pain!

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Went to bed exhausted last night after various family discussions, some of which were over A. Cousins visit ("Have you HEARD......") and many problems both techie and human in trying to book our next year's hols. A lot of people rebook for the following year each time as it tends to be the sort of place that people return to for a peaceful break: our former apartment was already booked up for the next 2 years as soon as we dropped it! Anyway, we are relieved it's sorted now and my OH is looking forward to lolling on a lounger on one of the terraces in future, instead of damaging his back by laying on the sand. The apt. will seem like a palace after our previous one, it sleeps five and has a washing machine, two bathrooms and a fully fitted kitchen with full oven and fridge freezer -  ice creams may be consumed, yay!  EDIT:  2 weeks next time, to see if we like it, Annette.

    Sis in law is serious about being absent when A. Cousin visits.....   She (A. Cousin) is hoping to stay with another cousin, thankfully not in this town. How much we will see her we don't know, we may be away for part of her visit, on our much talked about re-booked cruise in the autumn.

    Enough about me..

    Diane - Good to hear that your snow has gone and that your neighbours, the R.T. Hawk family, are still around after the bad weather.  Hope the subsequent floods are not too bad, and you can get the roof fixed.

    Annette - Was glad to see that the folks in Montecito were able to return to their homes. Enjoy your garden. My OH hates family dramas and any kind of confrontation, so is very tense this week. Hope you can get to grips with the new laptop.

    OG - Nice that you could see all of the photos, in the end. Hope that at least the wedding passed without family incident.

    AQ - Treat yourself to some new travelling outfits for all those bus trips!  Looking forward to the pics from the latest one. I went for many years without spending hardly anything on myself, and even wore outfits from charity shops at our children's Christenings!   Now I have a little spare cash, I'm reversing that to make up for it!

    Heather - You will be busy planning your Easter now that you have family coming. Hope you enjoy their company. I was horrified when the sun came out and I could see all the dust and cobwebs!!

  • Diane -- laughed at the man mowing the lawn, LOL!!  

  • Unknown said:
    Congratulations on your daughter's 18th birthday! Your recent buzzard pics were FABULOUS!

    Many thanks.  She's still a stroppy teenager, though!  Please you liked the buzzard photos.

    Unknown said:
    This is how we mow the grass in Indiana. LOL LOL! 

    I always thought you needed grass to use a mower ....... you live and learn.


    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.