WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, MARCH 25 2018

Evening all:  Good turnout at the march today, although here in California (and especially Santa Barbara) protesters are mostly preaching to the choir.  We heard short but good speeches from some young people and teachers from local schools and colleges.  It's great to see young people so energized. Those kids from the Florida high school have really started something.  Lots of calls for voting preregistration as many of them will vote for the first time in 2020.

Lindybird: Hope the baby pigeons survive this year.

Clare: Some beautiful markings on that bird. Congrats on finally spotting it.

Very springlike here today; must get into the garden tomorrow: The weeds are feeling entirely too self-confident and I have some salvia to plant while the soil is still nice and damp.

Hope things are better with Forestboar.....  Also that OG has a good ride back from the festivities.

Take care everyone.

  • Good morning, all.  It's wet here but on the plus side I'm watching Her Beautifulness sitting on the nest - lovely!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello all

    Raining here last night and very dull today.

    DIANE - I've looked at the site and am all ready to listen tonight! Thanks. I'll tell you how it goes!

    Weeds growing steadily, wish the shrubs would catch up with them. I could have hoed and raked yesterday but of course, didn't. Typical.

    I'm off to make a chicken caesar salad for my lunch.  

  • Heather: I mentioned you because I thought you might like something new to listen to, but I don't know what kind of data limits you have on your phone, computer, or Kindle. I hope you have a way to listen to podcasts that won't cost you a lot of money for using extra data. I have no idea what kinds of data plans you all have in the UK. I have a very low limit on my phone, but I have a very, very high limit on my PC internet, so I can watch TV or listen to podcasts on my computer. I knew that Annette listens to podcasts. 

  • OH was able to do some more gardening after dinner last night - loving the lighter evenings.  Rain overnight and earlier today, but now some blue sky and sunshine - good for the indoors cleaning day!  Went to nurse this morning - no problem with injection, but needed a blood test and even usual phlebotomist could get none!  Gave up as they are back to fortnightly now, so won't be long to the next test appt!

    Still haven't heard from either daughter, so don't know if they spoke to each other at the wedding.  Have seen a few photos from ex-SiL and a couple on photographers website, alerted by the Bridegroom.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • DIANE-  My broadband seems to allow unlimited downloads. So I think, anyway! I've never been charged more than the normal monthly charge. My devices and smart TV usage don't seem to affect the monthly payment. I'm with British Telecom (BT)

  • OG- I'm so happy that you have seen some photos of the wedding.

  • Damp, drizzly and dreary here!

    Great that you've got to see some wedding pics, OG.  We are enjoying the lighter evenings, too.

    Heather, I hope you can enjoy Diane's suggestion. 

    We've been busy bees! - Have finally < sigh > booked for our spring break next year - after some rather frustrating delays and complications I won't bore you with. Managed to persuade my OH to treat us to the apartment which I had my eye on: it's more expensive but hey, ho, you're only here once. Instead of being right by the sea we will have a sideways, distant view of it but to compensate, a lovely view of the mountains and two nice private terraces to sit on. Right in the town, so we will be able to pop out on foot for supplies and for going to the restaurants etc. (I'm very excited!).

    Been out this morning, picking up an M&S order which I saw online - toys and books for the grandchildren, in the Sale. Also been spending online ordering some gifts for our Youngest's birthday. Will have to give the plastic cards a rest, now!

  • Fantastic, LINDY, you are going into the apartment you wanted, close to amenities. Happy for you.

    I've not achieved a lot today but will tackle things tomorrow. It looks as if there is going to be a family meal here on Sunday which I'm more than happy about. It started with middle daughter asking if she and Callum could come (Amy will be with her Dad) and has expanded!

  • A lovely Easter Sunday ahead, then, Heather. :-)

    We're excited about the apartment, but have had no end of problems trying to book it online. Had further problems over it again, late afternoon today, and was just getting to grips with filling in a form and then trying to print a copy out, when the phone rang.

    It was Awful Cousin ringing.  From Canada.  I made small talk then tried to locate my OH who was having a shave. He spoke to her, at length, then came off the phone white faced --  SHE IS COMING TO VISIT, THIS YEAR!!   Some other relative seems to have persuaded her to come....   Aaaaaaaaaaargh!!

    Just had a long talk to sis in law, who says she is leaving the country.

  • Lindybird said:

    OH, NO .......... IT'S THE AWFUL COUSIN!!!!!!!!

    Lindybird said:
    Some other relative seems to have persuaded her to come....   Aaaaaaaaaaargh!!

    Are they completely off their trolley?  They can accommodate her, then.

    Lindybird said:
    Just had a long talk to sis in law, who says she is leaving the country.


    You really do have my sincere sympathy, Lindy.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.