WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MARCH 11, 2018

Hi All: Just got in from movies (Three Billboards....); pizza in the oven.  Back later.

  • Sorry about your cousin, Lindy.

    Your description of rising from the sand made me smile. Sounds very familiar!

    Safe travel, Annette. Enjoy time with the family.

    Sorry about family storm, OG. Sometimes, there is not a lot we can do about it, but it is distressing.

    Hope the new mattresses arrive and that you are pleased with them.

  • Unknown said:

    Great news that Maya has returned! This is a nest I like to watch because the pictures are so good- but then so are Loch of the Lowes, Dyfi, and of course, the original Loch Garten. And there are increasing numbers of other cameras. How are we going to find time to do anything else? I am going to have to ration myself.

    It is difficult not to get involved with all their lives and relationships.

    Tell me about it.  I limit myself to LG and Dyfi as any more would have me in utter confusion!  I do try to keep up with events on the other nests, though, and Rutland Water is just over two hours' drive from me, which means I can easily visit.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi all, thanks Annette for starting us off and Diane for popping in. Had a lovely lunch out with Son and DIL and Dau at a local hostelry after attending church for which my dau joined me instead of going to her church, touching. All the ladies were given daffs.

    Our bulbs are showing but not out yet, spring still has a week to arrive!!

    AQ - see that you have your outings to look forward to, so hope you enjoy.

  • Oh Lindy - that is sad, 52 years is a great time together, your cousin is going to feel the loss. Hopefully, with family support she will get through it.

    Let's hope you find another apartment but sounds as though you are having a lovely time catching up with friends etc.

    OG - do hope the family crisis can be overcome and peace restored.

    Just lately I have noticed a bird singing at about 2am for a short while - lovely song - could it be a song thrush. Any ideas.

  • Evening all:  Amazingly smooth drive through LA today - we barely slowed at all - then out through San Bernardino and Palm Desert and here I am, in beautiful downtown Blythe!  :-)

    AQ: Well, re kindergarten, I was thinking this year...  at least it's cooler!

    Clare: Was sitting by the pool with my book this afternoon (well, just for an hour) and ended up chatting to a couple from British Columbia.  We were watching a rather large number of turkey buzzards circling overhead and wondering what the attraction was...  :-O

    OG: Oh dear.  Families can be soooo anxiety producing.  I suggest battening down the hatches and turning off the phone. Seriously, hope it doesn't have any  effect on your trip to the wedding.

    Lindybird:  Interesting that Spaniards (who already live in a sunny country) would go on vacation with (I assume) a fairly similar climate.

    Hallo to everyone else!  Hope mattresses/dishwashers and families get sorted!

  • Good morning, all.  Apart from the joyful sight of Maya we've had another sure sign of spring - the lesser black-backed gulls are back here from wherever they've wintered!  Lovely.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  Annette, glad you're safely on your way.

    Went to a small drinks party last night with our German and Danish friends - we were served delicious nibbles and dips. Also some papaya, olives and local goats cheese, crispy tiny biscuits and nuts. We all caught up on a whole years news whilst being served sparkling wine and watching the sun go down over the sea. They had booked a small apartment as they are just mother and daughter, but on arrival what they had booked was not available so they were upgraded to the penthouse! - quite amazing furniture and a shower room with floor to ceiling glass windows on the view! - hence you have to draw the blinds! A lovely early evening chat. We then staggered back and made ourselves a mushroom omelette before early bedtime. The weather here is just about the best we've ever had. Off to do my smalls now, then a quiet day on the beach.

  • Rosy, hope the dishwasher can be sorted, I wouldn't be without mine.

    OG - Thinking of you and your family "storm" - always very unsettling.

    Clare - Soo exciting, hearing about Maya's arrival. I watch LG and Glaslyn, and pop in on others, but no time to follow them all.

  • Done my undies, and they're out in the sun now! 

    Have been thinking of my poor cousin: her husband was only mid seventies. She has a devoted daughter and two much loved grandchildren, but she lost an adult son some years ago. We have not been told of any funeral arrangements yet, but hope to go if possible although they live a long way from us in UK.

  • LINDY - I was sorry to read of the death of your cousin's husband. Mid seventies is no age but there is never a right time for these things to happen.

    EVERYONE - I hope to be back here later and thank you for all your news. I've been having some techie problems! Another failed piece of equipment. This time, it was my Kindle Fire which I use for internet access except for those times when I use my desktop. The Kindle refused to reboot and as it is several years old, I thought the worst. However, I managed in the end, by putting it to factory settings. Took me ages and ages to reload all my apps and then couldn't find some of my passwords ie for email..... I keep promising myself to make a list of all passwords and keep it somewhere safe. After all that I wasn't feeling very chatty as you can imagine.