WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MARCH 4 2018

Diane: Will REALLY miss you on here.  Like Heather, I enjoy your updates on RTH and other critters.

Spoke to niece in Newport Pagnell today via Facetime; saw pix of her cats snuggled by the fire and snow piled up in the garden.  

Have been shopping for a new laptop and a replacement iPhone (an older model) so I can pass on mine to one or other family member with an even more ancient and failing model.  My laptop screen keeps dimming plus odd video symptoms pop up and it turned itself off the other day.  Costco has a really good deal on one and I do like what they call their "concierge" service that adds another year to the manufacturer's warranty.  They were a great help in resolving a problem with a new TV we bought some years back when the manufacturer and local service person flaked out - they arranged to have someone drive up from Los Angeles to sort it out (we ended up with a replacement), but Costco handled the whole thing.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Heather - My sis-in-law who is divorced, made friends with the sister of a good friend of hers who is a widow, and they have enjoyed many holidays both in UK and abroad together. On one, a cruise, they met 4 other ladies who all holiday together and they were having a jolly time.

  • Thank you Annette for starting the week. Hurrah for Costco!

    I will also miss Diane. I hope RT Hawk will watch over her.

    LOL Lindy, about the shorts and not living on lettuce! Concentrate on the shoes. Feet do not get fat.

    Good to read that weather conditions are improving for most people, and nice to hear of the help some have received.

    It has warmed up considerably here, and last snow melted by midday.

    Lovely flower pics, Lindy. Our snowdrops have reappeared through the snow, but I think the crocuses are finished.

    Sorry about bad news of your cousin Dibnlib. Hope she can be helped to live in some comfort.

    Your grand daughters obviously enjoy staying with their Nan, Heather. And impeccable behaviour too! Even noticing the cushions.

    Hello to everyone not mentioned. I enjoy keeping up with all the news.

  • Hi hope all have tecovered from the snow and not been effected to badly

  •  Just thought you might like to see latest pic of millie

  • Lindy: the help was throughout the Forest, anyone who could help did. It was really amazing to witness. OH cannot come out yet as there is a mountain!? behind car. Our road has successfully thawed in the afternoon sun but snowplough ridges haven't yet. What we were afraid of was if an emergency occurred in the house she would not have been able to escape. However Wednesday lunch round the corner looks promising.

    At this time of year with the weather you are really cheating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Will catch up with the above in the morning, but just wanted to let you know J isn't needed at the sheriff court till Wednesday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all:   Finally made a decision about new laptop to find they only had one left - the one on display, but didn't want to take that (especially as it wasn't discounted).  Today was the last day the model was on sale. Six more were due in March 1 but hadn't arrived so the Costco manager guaranteed me the sale price when they do arrive. Meanwhile, Best Buy  had an almost identical model that went on special today!  Arghhh!  

    Forestboar: So nice to read how helpful your neighbors were - we've had the same experience here since the mudslide; some 2,000+ people signed up with the Bucket Brigade to help dig mud out of people's homes.  Too bad it takes a crisis to get to know these folks. Fingers crossed you get out for lunch on Wednesday.

    Lindybird: Love the crocuses and snowdrops!  Hope you've got some loose dresses for the trip.

    Heather: The evacuated folks were allowed back in first thing the next morning, but I'm sure the scenario will be repeated any time fhere's heavy rain forecast for the rest of this season - and maybe next year too.  I think a trip to the sun with your friend is a brilliant idea! I bet Amy and Katie had fun staying up that late but it's just a few hours before my normal wake up time!

    Gosh dibnlib, your poor cousin. Does her OH have any support?

    OG:  Nice to have young muscles around to help with the snow, but that's a lot of work. Hope your new car shows up sooner than later.

    George! Always a treat to see you and how nice to hear news of another helpful neighbor. Hope your heat stays on if the temps drop again.  We used to wrap rags around our outside pipes way back when....

    Alicat: So good to see you!  Millie looks very cuddly. :-)  How are you doing?

    After I'd finished zooming between Costco and Best Buy this morning I came home and dug some holes to put in some Salvia greggii (hummingbirds love them!).  Having the holes dug ensures I'll actually do it this year!  

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Good Morning, Everyone.  Dry here, and the sun's coming out, hooray!

    Alicat- Good to hear from you and Millie looks cute as ever. Hope you're well.

    Annette - See that you are gardening again. Wish I could come and walk around your garden. I don't take any dresses or skirts on this trip, as it's not a "dress up" sort of resort, although I do go out to dinner in a "best blouse" over my slacks! That's a bummer about your new laptop, hope you can get one.

    George - Keep warm!

    OG - See that J has had a reprieve from court duties, at least he won't have to wonder how to get there....

    Heather - Hope you've had fun with your granddaughters.