WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MARCH 4 2018

Diane: Will REALLY miss you on here.  Like Heather, I enjoy your updates on RTH and other critters.

Spoke to niece in Newport Pagnell today via Facetime; saw pix of her cats snuggled by the fire and snow piled up in the garden.  

Have been shopping for a new laptop and a replacement iPhone (an older model) so I can pass on mine to one or other family member with an even more ancient and failing model.  My laptop screen keeps dimming plus odd video symptoms pop up and it turned itself off the other day.  Costco has a really good deal on one and I do like what they call their "concierge" service that adds another year to the manufacturer's warranty.  They were a great help in resolving a problem with a new TV we bought some years back when the manufacturer and local service person flaked out - they arranged to have someone drive up from Los Angeles to sort it out (we ended up with a replacement), but Costco handled the whole thing.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Goodness, Saturday already! Great that you're finally getting there with your bad leg, Lynette. We are in Fuertentura in the Canary Isles.

    Annette, drat that you missed the pic of the hawk. The glass nail files have a rough surface on one side, very fine, and are kinder to your nails than any other sort.

    AQ - Enjoy your rushed family visit. It must still be hot there.

  • Rosy, I feel the same about the birds. Nature appears cruel to us but that's the way things are.

    OG -  Hope the new car is all you want, when it arrives. My Friend has had to put her much loved small car into the repair garage as a neighbour of theirs scraped the back of it whilst it was parked in the road. She is upset as they don't want to scrap it as the insurers seem to want to do;  would rather have it repaired even though it's old.

    Have a nice weekend, Everyone!

  • Silly Saturday so far at our house - nothing wrong, just a slow start and poor communications!  Will be back later!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    I came back home yesterday and found a Cooper's Hawk perched quietly on the side of our fountain, helping itself to a long drink. I very slowly pulled my phone out of my bag to take a photo, but then the plastic water bottle I was holding sort of crackled and the hawk took off. It lives in a tree on the block behind us.

    Wow.  What a fantastic bird to find in your garden!  Do you have any photos of it?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello to all

    ANNETTE - I was thinking about you yesterday evening and wondered what you might see! In any event, I reasoned, it couldn't possibly beat last week's experience.

    LYNETTE - Good that things continue to improve. Take it easy...

    ROSY - I've never had a waste disposal unit but have used one in a friend's house. I remember it as being very noisy? By your comment about water usage I'm guessing that you are metered. So far, up here, we are not. We pay water rates along with our Council tax - which has just increased.

    OG - One of the boys didn't tell you that he had an arrangement today? Hope nothing too disruptive./p>

    LINDY- My daughter uses glass files for her nails. She gave me one once and guess what? You are not alone in your misfortune. Hope all the oil came out of your beach towels. You know what came to my mind? That I'm not sure if I could get up from sitting on a beach! Not with any dignity, anyhow.

    Attempting to feel enthusiastic about house cleaning today before two daughters visit tomorrow. It is all too easy to put things off if you live alone, I find. Anyway, going to try out the new dryer today.

    Regards to everyone.

  • Lindybird said:
    We are in Fuertentura in the Canary Isles.

    Funnily enough another Community poster has just returned from there.  He's posted some lovely photos here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Back again but not a lot to say!  No, Heather, just that they don’t always stick to what I think has been decided!  Anyway, most things planned have been completed, and J very helpfully cleaned a lot of plant pots in the garage this morning while he was out there cleaning salt off his leather boots.  BTW – any tips on getting salt spray off a leather jacket?  Two Daughters coming?  And does that include your very particular youngest?

    We would be lost without the waste disposal unit (had one at previous house too) – although we do compost also.  I agree they are quite noisy, but it is only occasional, not like ongoing noise.   And as Heather says, here in Scotland we don’t have to have water meters.

    Clare – thanks for link to the pics from Bob in Fuerteventura – encountered Whimbrel on their migration northwards in 2015 (I think) – a flock of them – great sight and unforgettable sound!

    Bought some Strawberries in M&S yesterday – first of the year looking worth having, and a change fro Raspberries.  Will have them with yoghourt after our baked potato tea.  Intending to get to church tomorrow, first time in weeks, if the weather forecast is correct.  OH is on PowerPoint duty, so J is coming to sit with me. 

    Had Mothering Sunday cards from both the Daughters – one by post and the other left here on latest visit last month.  Will see both of them at Grandson’s wedding; could be interesting, but one (his mother) is only coming for the church service, because of all her ex-inlaws being there!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I now have a new Sky+ box.  A charming engineer turned up this morning - right on time - and took away the old one (including all my stored films!!).  At the moment it's working fine.  New kettle can wait until next week - I have a small travel kettle I can use for a few days - although if I have visitors they will have to have coffee in shifts!  Now my vacuum cleaner is making a rather odd noise ... there's always something!

  • OG - meant to tell you - I have never seen goldfinches where I live, until one morning last week when there were four on a neighbour's roof.  What a lovely sight!  I hope they come back again.

  • Washing machine used successfully today. No other mishaps I am glad to say!

    Pat, good that you have the new equipment. We lost all our stored 'stuff' once in a similar way. It saved the decision about what to watch. We soon got more stored.

    Heather, OG, We had a water meter fitted about five years ago. Otherwise , we were paying for a whole family's use.

    I don't mind the noise of the waste disposal unit, and would quite like a replacement, but we have ancient plumbing here, and drains become blocked on occasion. I am careful about what I put down, but there have been problems  here.. I live in a small block of flats. ( I never thought I could live in a flat, but that is another story). Apparently, rice and pasta have been the culprits.

    AQ,  I continue to admire your patience and commitment to Nanny duty. I would be sorely tempted to tweak the daughter's routine sometimes. And at a moment's notice, you rally round and find provisions and sort out the toy box. I do envy you for being able to spend so much time with the grandchildren, though.

    I had never heard of glass nail files, either. I don't think they would last long with me!

    Heather, I don't think daughters worry too much about house cleaning. Hope the dryer worked well.

    Regards to everyone.