WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MARCH 4 2018

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  • OG - hope your microwave doesn't have to join the broken electrical equipment.  Built-in obsolescence, I fear.  Things used to last a very long time ... you can hardly call four and a half years for a dishwasher 'lasting'.  I think my kettle is less than two years old.

  • CLARE- you are far too modest!

  • PAT - I think the microwave is 9 years old - it has been repaired once before.  We have a multi-appliance insurance which works out well for us.  This time it is the control panel which is faulty - turn up the time and it goes down, or vice versa - very random!

    J finished at court today, so back to work tomorrow - has seemed a long week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I guess nine years for a microwave isn't too bad.  And the insurance sounds like a good idea.

    My Sky+ box died at the beginning of last week.  Because of my rather disjointed life I record a lot of what I want to see on television, as I'm often out at meetings in the evenings and busy during the day.  Also, I can zap through the advertisements!  After a very long conversation with a pleasant young man in India, I am expecting a Sky engineer with a new (well, reconditioned) Sky box under his arm to arrive on Saturday.  Sadly, I've lost all the films I had recorded for rainy - or snowy - days, but I'm sure I'll build up another library in time.  It really does seem the domestic appliances gods are angry, as Annette says.

  • Sorry to see the demise of so many appliances. They don't seem to last like they used to! My 1st microwave, a "Brother" was bought in 1985 and lasted me for over 12 years before going to our son when he was at Uni. He had it then for about 6 years, right through Uni and his buying his 1st home, then getting married and moving to his 2nd home.... eventually they threw it away, still working but not quite as efficiently!

    Sunny and warm here: folks have told us that it warmed up the day we came. February has been windy and sometimes wet, so we have arrived at the right time. Went out and bought sun hats this morning, as stupidly I had forgotten them even though we each have several at home. At least they are cheap!

    When we arrived, I opened a bag and something shiny fell out - it was a glass nail file which promptly shattered on the hard tiled floor of the bedroom. Unpacking had to cease as my OH found the broom and dustpan, as the tiny bits of glass were where we walk in our bare feet. Then today, we sat on the beach for a while, but on rising found that one of our beach towels had two large blobs of black oil on it. My OH has put neat washing up liquid on the marks, after teasing out the oil with paper towels. It's drying now and thankfully it will dry quickly in these temps.

    Off now to look at Clare's pics. 

  • Enjoyed both yours & Limpys pics, Clare, I like the Woodcock which I've never seen myself. And the Bird Photographer of the Year was impressive - my favourite being that astounding capture of the Kingfisher just before entering the water.

    Off to bed now.

  • Linda - I thought you had gone and I was surprised to see your posts. Ah ha, out-of-date me, the wonders of modern technology, we can enjoy your holiday with you!


    OG – A little sticky date pudd, yum.


    Can we blame climate change for all these appliance breakdowns?


    Another hot day. No relief until Monday and no rain in sight.

  • Heather B said:

    CLARE- you are far too modest!

    You are very kind!

    I've improved considerably over the last few years but I still have a way to go.  The standard at our local photographic society is fantastic!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning -

    A sunny day here.

    New dryer being installed this morning - hoping it will arrive soon as I am going out for lunch with middle daughter at midday. The firm know of my plans, so I'm hoping for the best!

    Update - he was here at 10.30 and away by 11am. That included the time it took me to vacuum up a considerable amount of fluff bunnies lurking underneath the machine :-)
  • Morning all:

    Wow Heather - that was fast. Hope lunch was nice.

    Off out to gym and then errands and then to count whales....

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