Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • I thought that it was cold and windy here, LINDY! I was blown to Tesco and back but just a fleece top and gilet and jacket (with hood up) on top. Obviously much colder where you are! I was very glad to be back at home! No wind here, now.

  • Horrible weather here in the south-east - very windy and wet, solid grey sky and bitterly cold.  I'm sure watching the Olympics, with all that ice and snow, doesn't help!  Fortunately I don't have to poke my nose out of the door today, but I feel sorry for those who have to be out in it.  My turn tomorrow ...

  • Enjoy your Valentines meal, LINDY x

  • Morning all:

    OG: This is the first day of the count, so couldn't miss it! Not that we're likely to see much.  However, have switched shifts from Mondays to Fridays due to classes at the gym (what a good memory you have!).  Can you disconnect that back-up alarm on the scooter - I'm assuming it's one of those awful beeping things that huge trucks have - or is that too naughty an idea?  

    Lindybird: I think Diane is on to something. You and your Sil must put your heads together about Awful Cousin and come up with Constructive and Credible Plan to Deter rather than feeling exasperated AND guilty about not wanting to extend the Welcome mat.  You can say you're having the grandkids for the Entire Summer(!!) due to their parents' work commitments (maybe they're off on some kind of management/training boondoggle), so no room at the Inn.  And SiL can arrange to be caregiver for - um - surely there's an ancient relative/old friend who suddenly needs frequent attention lurking somewhere? You could, of course, also simply say "Sorry, this just isn't a good year for a visit as we have too much going on."  (Easy for me to say, right?)  Good luck!  

    Diane: Two in the morning a bit late/early for RTH; still nice to know he's a light sleeper.  No, I didn't see what that Twittering Idiot is proposing re the ISS; was too busy gnashing my teeth about his proposed cuts to programs for everyone but his rich cronys on Wall Street.  Not to mention his lawyer who claims that he paid  $130K out of his own pocket to Ms Daniels for her silence re Trump's extra-marital antics. Huh? They must think we're all stupid.  Total fiasco. Not a shred of decency in that entire group. Then there's reality celebrity/turned Trump aide/turned reality celebrity Omorosa complaining that his constant Tweets caused her so much stress every day (tell me about it dearie!)  I wish someone would organize a march on Washington; I'd be there with bells on. Meanwhile, I made a donation to Planned Parenthood this morning. They're sending a Valentine's Day thank you card to Mike Pence for his "role" in the fund drive and I couldn't resist. :-))   Did see on the Washington Post website that a Florida legislative district (Sarasota) that went for Trump in 2016 has gone to a Democrat - the 36th such red-to-blue switch in a state legislative race since 2016.   Here's to trickle up politics.

    Phew. Time for a deep breath and to think about whales...

  • Diane- Warm here too. All that snow melting quickly. Fog tonight and in the morning. I do not like ice at all, dangerous walking and driving. Please stay warm. I wonder what our country will be like by the end of the Trump era. What a disaster he and his administration is.

  • Lindy- I second Clare's statement. You are definitely NOT stupid!!!

  • LINDY   I have a similar tale. I had got my maths O level and was going to do my Higher over 2 years which meant I joined up with my bro who was a year younger for the 2nd year. He was brilliant at maths. I do remember the teacher saying that it was hard to understand why one sibling was a genius and the other (me) didn't find it quite as easy. I do hope he had a word with the English teacher who would have enlightened him to the fact that I was quite brilliant at English and my bro struggled and certainly didn't take it at higher level. i actually left school 1/2 way through 6th year to join the RAF and so never took my higher maths exam.

  • Annette- Thinking of whales is much more pleasant than thinking about Trump... and yes, he does think we're all stupid. I do wonder about the member's of Congress, tho'. You would hope that eventually they will tire of finding excuses for him.

  • bjane: Don't get me started on Congress. Gutless wonders...

  • ANNETTE - You are right about the reversing alarm on the scooter -

    not as loud as the big trucks and buses, and at least it doesn't keep repeating "this vehicle is reversing" like the refuse trucks do!  I suppose I'll get used to it, otherwise I think I shall want to apologise for it wherever I go!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!