Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

American Marten
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Just caught up quickly with all your news.   OG - hope the mattresses won't be long in coming so you can get some relief for your back.

    AQ - sorry to hear you are still suffering with a heatwave.

    Its been cold and sunny most days down here, we seem to have missed the worst of the wintry weather although the weekend forecast is set to be fairly wet. It is still just over a month to the start of Spring so there is hope yet that the weather will begin to warm up.

    Managed an extra 2 lengths today at the gym plus Tuesday's swim so was feeling good.

    Do stay safe and warm particularly those that have been hit with snowy conditions.

  • Diane: Stay warm there - looks like you're on the edge of that big storm heading east.....

    bjane: Four cats!!!  Argh. I would have to leave home. Wonder what they used to seal that carpet.... Our cat isn't having occasional accidents; it's at least once a day and she's pretty much "claimed" most of the area along the walls. She's also weeing on the patio, the walkway, the driveway and anywhere else she happens to find herself.  It's not a UTI (she's had those) and  her diabetes is under control thanks to insulin shots.  We spent hundreds on in November only to find out there was nothing obviously wrong.  Sigh..   Frankly, I wouldn't mind wood floors with rugs, but that would be even worse with a leaky cat! 

    Lynette: Congrats on the extra laps. I'm going to the gym tomorrow for the first time in two weeks.  Three steps forward, two steps back, but oh well....

  • Good Morning, All.  Friday already!

    Lynette, well done on keeping up with your swimming.

    Annette - Poor Lightning, and poor you! It's a shame nothing can be done. Hope you're feeling better now, yourself, you've had a busy time.

  • I am wild guessing a baby porcupine.

    I had a very dominant Great Aunt. Her 1st husband who died young loved their peet cats. Aunt Lily did not. One day she gave him the ultimatum that either they go or she would. She didn't expect the answer he gave. Result......they all stayed. Aunt Lily was not used to not getting her own way, so this was a first.

    Beautiful morning, but Benson still refused a walk. I am swimming, then want to watch the end of the opening ceremony so he will have to wait till the afternoon now.

  • Just googled. It is not a baby porcupine!!

  • I think its an echidna, dibnlib!

  • We've been busy - I cleared out another corner of our large bedroom, and we dusted and hoovered behind a chest which has only been moved once in 14 years, and my OH has been diligently finishing the emulsioning. Only the remainder of the gloss to do, now, which is just a bit of skirting board and half a door frame (he did the other half yesterday, LOL!).  

    Found a ring, not valuable, which I dropped a few months ago behind the furniture and I knew it must still be there somewhere. No earrings came to light!! I've also been sitting in the warm sunshine in our conservatory, reading bits of paper which I had stored, to sort them into "keep for reference" and "throw". Lots of gardening cuttings! they go into a file which is growing quite a lot, hope someday to somehow get them into some sort of order for using them properly. Its still bitterly cold out and the birds have been coming down gratefully for my offerings of seeds, nuts,fatballs and especially the dried mealworms which I believe are extra nutricious so I keep them for when its bad weather.

    Edit:  My tablet shows me pictures from "on this day" from years past:  today it had this pic of snowdrops which I took locally and it reminded me that we have a lovely display in our garden just now, they are all opening their pretty white heads under the trees.

  • She's a Prehensile-tailed Porcupine and her name is Alex - yes really!!!!!



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Thank you, TeeJay!!  - I wasn't sure, as it was passed to me without a label.  She's gorgeous, isn't she?

    Thanks, too, for the link so that we can all enjoy her story.