Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Broad-Billed Hummingbird, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright-free)

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here and just getting light again.

    Sorry that you (and some others of us) missed the special moon, Diane. I did see it earlier in the week, and it was certainly really bright then. I hope you feel better soon.

    Happy February, everyone!  Thank goodness the cold weeks of January are over for us in UK, although February can be grim, too - but at least it's shorter, LOL!!

  • Today's pic:


    "I'm gonna defeat the enemy and take over the world!"

  • Good to hear from you, ROSY. I'm sorry that your OH was unwell during the cruise. So many people arrive, some are unwell, but of course, they are not going to cancel their holiday. Also, the sneezing/ tissue hygiene and hand hygiene is sadly lacking in some cases...

    ANNETTE/DIANE - I did listen to the State of the Union speech. Weirdly smooth, self praising and also rather  patronising? Maybe not the best description.

    I heard last night about the Mud Angels in the Montecito (think that is what they were being called) who are trying to return salvaged articles to their owners etc.

    Be careful with that chainsaw, ANNETTE!

    OG - hope that J made it to Dumfries and back OK.

    LINDY - enjoy your weekend!

    AQ - one nanny day down! How many to go before next holidays ?! At least it got you out of the house.

    A fairly bright day here. Not too cold. Walked to supermarket, now going to think about some housework. I didn't say that I was going to do it -

  • Glad you enjoyed your walk, Heather. At least, I think you did!

    The sun has come out, here, but although I've washed the towels, there doesn't seem much point in putting them on the line. Have been putting stuff away, and just did my entry for the Garden BirdWatch - included 2 pairs of doves!! We used to have a pair plus one lonely singleton, but he seems to have found a mate.

    Packing warm sweaters for our trip.... the wind here is still cold, even in the sunshine.

  • Heather,  We were required to fill in a questionnaire before boarding, about whether we had been  coughing or sneezing, or had experienced vomiting or diarrhoea. I wondered at the time about how effective that would be! OH certainly didn't have any problems then.

    Lindy, Enjoy your weekend.

    Diane, Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry that you are not feeling well.

    After leaving Southampton, we had  three days at sea, through the Bay of Biscay.

    The sea was very rough, and we were all clinging on to the railings in the corridors and on the stairs..

    It gave me some idea of what conditions  could be like for the ospreys, flying above.

  • Heather - J was fine yesterday - weather didn't do much after the early part - but he said it was very cold in town.  Had a call from elder Granddaughter today - got a teaching post (NQT) to start in September!  Good to have it sorted before she finishes her training this summer.  I've been unwell yesterday and today; can only get doc appt for next Wednesday, so will probably be recovered by then!  Meanwhile will just stay at home and carry on with more sewing.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I'm sorry that you are unwell, OG. I know that you will pursue quicker consultation if you think it necessary. Good to read about your granddaughter's new post, I hope that she will enjoy it. There are a few teachers in our family and without exception they speak about the challenges of the job, these days.

  • A shame you're unwell, OG. I know you like to be out and about if weather permits. Hope that, as you say, by the time you see a Doc you're feeling better already. Well done to your granddaughter.

    Rosy - We had the same form to fill in, about our health before we sailed. We said to each other at the time that few people would admit to illness if they were ill just before leaving the UK. We also had a lot of "coughers" on board.

    Going to have a quiet evening, now. Been doing so much that I'm tired already - my OH is tired, too. Sorry to whinge. I suppose it's the worst bit of winter, now, and it affects me.

  • ROSY- I suppose it is the luck of the draw regarding picking up infections on board. As on a plane or a train. As long as you didn't miss out on all the cruise attractions and trips.

  • Now that is an admission if your OH says that he is tired, LINDY! This is a dark and miserable time of year and I agree with you,a lot of us are affected by it. The days are beginning to lengthen now, thank goodness.