Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Broad-Billed Hummingbird, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright-free)

  • Good morning!  Lovely (but cold) sunshine today – preparation for something horrible and colder to follow tomorrow!  Pleased I don’t need to go outside.

    Linda – that decorating seems to be dragging on a bit for you, and the most inconvenient room in the house, especially with the sloping ceilings to do.  I am feeling better today – I think I have been affected by the anniversary of my fall and the sepsis etc that went with it, so symptoms at least partly psychological in cause.  Have a lovely visit with your family – wishing you safe journeys and a good rest!  Enjoyed poem for Froggie!

    Annette – pleased to have news of Froggie!  Imbolc is definitely good news for farmers if the Ewes have a lamb “in the belly” – and it would be the right time for hill sheep – only the fancy southern breeds give birth at Christmas!  NQT = Newly Qualified Teacher – often a one year probationary post.  I hope you are not getting the flu – take care!

    Dibnlib – how thoughtful of your friend to leave her otherwise wasted Roses with you while she is away!

    Must fly - haven’t even looked at the “news” yet this morning!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    I'm glad that you are feeling better, OG.

    ROSY - Funchal has certainly become more built up over the last number of years and there are a lot more hotels.

    DIDNLIB - yes, a lovely surprise to get the roses!

  • OG: I've decided that no news is good news.

    dibnlib:  Nice you got the roses; too bad they couldn't have included you in their cruise!

  • Annette,   Good that froggy is back. I have no idea how long frogs live. He/she obviously likes the living conditions in your garden/yard.

    I agree about the news. Not much to cheer us up either side of the pond.

    Enjoy your roses Dibnlib. Flowers are always cheery.

  • ANNETTE   It is not a cruise but an all inclusive holiday for the family. Daughter got a car for her 30th. Son lives in Barcelona and is not interested in driving, so his pressie is this holiday.

    Heard a week ago that my poor cousin has been in the wars again. She is now in a HD ward in Livingston recovering from double pneumonia. She wasn't expected to make it but has astounded the medics. She is now able to eat and drink herself. 

  • DIBNLIB - sorry about your poor cousin - so sad; I suppose it is her general condition and immobility that has made her susceptible to pneumonia.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • DIBNLIB: Sorry about that news and good wishes. In this weather that is just one of the potential problems that I face. Fortunately we are now in a purple area for Aussie flu (apologies AQ). Should be blue later this week.

  • Happy Birthday to Annette on Saturday! 

    Humpback Whale
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all:

    dibnlib: Well, I'd happy with a car for my birthday (or an all-inclusive holiday for that matter).  I think I'm getting dinner out!  :-))   That's awful about your cousin; she certainly has more than her fair share of troubles.

    Diane;  A perfect card - lovely! Thank YOU.

    Too warm again here with more to come next week.  Deep soaked the orange and tangerine trees. The orange tree seems to have more oranges than leaves (fruit to ripen in a few months). No more tangerines out there though - I picked those that were left and they're living in the fridge right now.

    Anyway, have a good Saturday all.

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ANNETTE!  Hope you are doing something wonderful to celebrate!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!